
Showing posts from February, 2017

Appreciate The Little Things

   Lately I have been pondering on how lucky I am to have so many wonderful things and have met so many wonderful people in my life. These days we are in such a rush that we forget to slow down and appreciate these things. If we do so, then we will become more thankful people. Throughout this week, take the time to slow down and ponder the things that make you happy and the things you are blessed with. Have a wonderful week!

Enjoy Life

Life can be a really hard thing, but there is opposition in all things. There are times where I've felt like I was completely alone but then I realize that I'm not. I have a wonderful and loving family who always sticks by me and I have amazing friends who cheer me on. They have made life enjoyable! The next time you're feeling alone, turn to someone you trust and love. With supportive people by your side, you can get through anything. “Life should be enjoyed, not endured.”   -Gordan B. Hinckley

Motivation Monday

"For with God nothing shall be impossible." -Luke 1:37 I'm grateful to have this knowledge in my life. At times we feel like we can't get through tough times, but we have someone always looking out for us.

Disney Magic

"When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." 

Fun With Friends

“Rule #1 in life, do what makes you happy.” Seeing Split with my friends! 

10 Ways To Have a Positive Outlook/Be Happy

   Look at the positive side of things Try something new Spend time with loved ones Don't put others down for their differences Stop and take a look at the little things around you Capture the moments Look for the good in others Share your favorite hobby with a friend or a family member Step outside your comfort zone Keep moving forward 

Hello February!

I am so excited for the month of February! Since this is the month of love, I'm going to find ways to express my love to my family and friends. Even if you don't have a 'special someone' you can still spend the month of February with family and friends. Those are the people who are always going to be there for you. Be kind and show your love this month! You'll make a positive impact on yourself and your loved ones. Have a wonderful day!