
Showing posts from September, 2017

Laughter Makes Life Fun!

"Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever." -Walt Disney   I believe that we have become too serious. We have forgotten how to laugh and be happy at the fun/little things we have in life.  Just because we grow up does not mean we have to stop having fun and stop being silly. I believe that we should look for the fun in life and have something to make you smile. Tell a joke to make someone laugh! Laughter makes anything better. It's okay to be silly and it's okay to laugh. Don't listen to anyone who judges or scoffs at that. Be happy and live your life smiling!

Comic Con 2017!

I had the amazing opportunity to attend Comic Con for the first time. It was such a cool experience! I loved seeing all the cool cosplays that people came as. I loved checking out all the interesting things that the vendors had. Catching glimpses of the famous guests were even cooler! I cosplayed as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. It was fun walking around as my favorite character from my favorite movie/book series. I'm really grateful that I was able to attend this year and I'm even more grateful that my Dad came a long with me. I will definitely be going to the next one. Enjoy the video of all the photos I took!

Beauty Is...

Beauty Is... Confidence Humility Elegance Kindness Charity Love    "You are beautiful, no matter what they say." - Christina Aguilera   If someone tells you that you aren't beautiful, don't believe them for one second. You are beautiful just by being you. I have met so many wonderful people that have shown their beauty from being kind and loving. Beauty shines through how you treat others. Beauty is many things, not just how you look. I believe that we are all beautiful in our own way.  Being yourself is the prettiest you can be, n ever let anyone tell you less. "True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul."-Audrey Hepburn

Keep Trying

"I may not be perfect, but I get credit for trying."  I heard this quote in my Institute class last year, I thought this was so good and relatable. There have been times where I have a perfectionist attitude, but I am reminded that I get credit for trying. Heavenly Father knows that we will make mistakes and go over bumps in the road, and He knows that we are trying. He loves us for that. I love that we get the chance to renew our covenants every Sunday and try even better during the new week. We can tell ourselves "This week I will try to be even better." Have a wonderful week! 💗