
Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful 2017 and that you made some great memories. This was a crazy year that was full of ups and downs, but it also had learning and growth. We can take what we learned in 2017 and apply it to make 2018 a great year. Here's a few of my adventures from this year!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the magic that Christmas brings. Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

Peace on Earth 💜

Look at the beautiful things in life this Christmas. ❄ I know that we are often caught in the stress of the holidays and we are in a rush to get everything done; we tend forget what Christmas is really about. I had the opportunity to go down to Temple Square with my family, when I looked up at the temple I had a peaceful reminder of why we celebrate this magical holiday, its about peace on earth. Spread kindness to those around you, spend time with your family, and remember the birth of the Savior. Happy Holidays! ❄

Self Discovery

  It's amazing how much we discover. The cool thing about discovery is that we can get to know ourselves and how much we have improved over the course of time. We can become better people as we learn and grow.  I have discovered some exciting and not so exciting things throughout my journey in college, those things have helped me grow in some way. I'm grateful that this world and the opportunities that it gives us to explore and see what life has to offer, I know that there's a lot more out there to be found.  I hope you will go out and do something that makes you discover more about yourself, you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find.