
Showing posts from June, 2018

Take Time to Listen

          One of the most important things you can do is show your love to someone. You never know who might need someone to talk to, so take the opportunity to make a new friend and make someone happy. I had the opportunity to make someone happy by just asking them how their day was, and that ended up being a full conversation. I felt so happy that I made a new friend and made their day.         So take the time to be a listening ear to someone who needs one. It can be the simplest thing by having a conversation and asking them how their day was. You will be making their day.

Keep Moving Forward Part 2

    "Tomorrow, when you are a beautiful butterfly, it will be hard to remember your days as a caterpillar."      I love this analogy. Every one of us starts off as caterpillars, but then we grow into beautiful butterflies! I know when it may seem like we aren't progressing, just remember that you are still growing into the butterfly that you are destined to become. Don't let your past mistakes define you, it will prevent you from welcoming new opportunities and learning. Let go of the past and keep moving forward. You will become a whole new person by changing what you need to change and letting go of what needs to be let go.

Advice to My Younger Self Part 2

        Keep your head held high! Go on adventures and try something new. It may be scary at first, but everything will work out in the end. Remember that not everything will be easy. Always have high standards and remember who you are. Keep being kind to everyone around you, you never know who might need it. Heavenly Father is on your side along with your family and everyone who loves you. Don't ever doubt any of that. You have so many things to be happy about! Let your light shine bright to everyone around you! Live your life with a smile on your face. Be you and no one else.💗

Take the Time to Appreciate

    Do you remember being a little kid playing outside with friends and not having a care in the world? There are times where I miss those moments. Life is moving so fast, and we need to remember to sit down and appreciate the moments around us. I still remember my old childhood home and I can recall running around in the backyard; and playing on the trampoline with my sister. When I think about those moments; I smile. I appreciate all the moments from my childhood.     If you're in a hurry to grow up, don't hurry; take the time to appreciate everything around you. Soon they will pass in the blink of an eye. If you take the time to look around, then you will be more appreciative for what you have. Live in the moment and be happy!

Be You and Shine Bright

         Every one of us has a light that we need to shine. It's what makes each of us unique, and that's beautiful. I look around at some of the people in my life and see their light and what they do to bring it forth. Don't let anyone make you suppress your light, embrace it and shine bright. Wouldn't it be boring if everyone acted the same? Make your light known to everyone you see and do kind deeds to make it shine. You will not only benefit the person you are serving, but you will also benefit yourself as well; this will help your light shine. Be you and shine bright! ⭐

10 Things I'm Grateful For

Heavenly Father My family Music Theatre Books My friends Movies Laughter Happiness Adventure!  Writing down things that you're grateful for can do wonders for your mood. It will help you realize all the good things you have in your life, and you'll be more appreciative. When the world seems like a dark place, take the time to think of all the good things you have. It will make the world seem more bright. I hope that will help. Have a great day!

Have Fun and Be Happy!

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -E.E. Cummings I believe that we have become too serious. We don't take time to laugh and have fun! I know there's times where we need to be mature, but there's times to laugh. Laughter makes one happy and it's infectious. My favorite kind of laughter. We should cherish laughter, not force it away. Have fun and be happy!

Hello Summer!

    Hello Summer! 😎   It's always fun to spend time with friends and family going swimming, watching fireworks, and going to outdoor concerts! One thing that I really love about summer is the opportunity we get to try new things and make new memories. Go on an adventure this summer, learn a new hobby, make a new friend, do something kind! There's so many options. Make this the best summer ever! Have fun!