
Showing posts from September, 2018


     I'm grateful for dreams. They're so beautiful, especially when they come true. Never let go of your dreams because one day somehow they will come true. Life works in mysterious ways, I've had dreams happen that I didn't think would come true. That's one of the wonderful things about life; opportunities will come your way in order for what you desire to come true.       Hold onto your dream. Let it be your motivator to get you what you makes you happy. One of my favorite movies says this amazing quote: "Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want." I strongly agree with that. We all deserve to be happy and have our dreams come true. It's a beautiful thing when it comes true. Look for the opportunities to make your dream come true and get excited for when it happens. 💙

We Are Never Alone

   One of my favorite scriptures is found in John 14:18, it says "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you." this verse does give me so much comfort, especially when things get hard. I'm so grateful for this truth. He will never abandon us. He knows us and He loves us; we should never forget that. I know deep down in my very heart and soul that He wants us to be happy and will do all He can to help us if we let Him.  Let Him into your heart, have faith, and extraordinary things will happen.

FanX 2018!

 I had an awesome second year of going to FanX! Even though this was my second year of attending conventions, I have to say that this was the best! I had an epic time seeing all the amazingly talented cosplayers and meeting some cool people as well. I loved every minute of it and I can't wait for the next convention!  Enjoy the photos from this years convention!

Quote of the Day #25

"Turn your wounds into wisdom." -Zora Neale Hurston  

Keep Moving Forward Part 4

       As we begin a new month we need to remember to leave the past behind and to move on. This gives you a chance to have a fresh start, it's good to leave behind any toxic drama or people that are preventing you from growing as a person. Everyone is human. Everyone makes mistakes; forgive yourself, move on, and live your best life. Don't let anyone prevent you from living your best life. There are so many good things in store for you, just keep moving forward with your head held high. Be excited for those good things coming your way! "There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." -C.S. Lewis