
Showing posts from November, 2018

Strong Heart

             It's okay to feel blue and down; that shows that you have been strong for a long time. That shows that you're human. Since school is coming to an end I've been overwhelmed with preparing for finals, but then I remembered that some things are out of my control. That's one of the habits of being human, to try and control everything around us. This can take a toll on our emotions. Remember that it's okay to break down and cry, it's healthier than keeping your emotions bottled up. It's okay to talk to someone you trust so you can share your concerns. Keep your heart strong.

Don't Let Pain Get You Down

"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." -The Fault in Our Stars     In life we go through difficult trials, some of them almost painful. That doesn't make us any weaker; in fact it makes us stronger. We may think we aren't strong enough, but every one of us has a strength that we often take for granted. Sometimes I often find myself wishing things were easier and the rode was a smooth ride, but then we wouldn't know joy. We wouldn't build character and become better people. I know that trials are necessary for growth, and they help us become better people and provide us with a learning experience.   Sometimes things happen for the best and then we are led to something better. This can be a heartbreaking or painful experience; we can often question why it happens or what we could have done to stop it. As I've said, those experiences often lead to something better. Don't let pain take over your life.

Quote of the Day #26

         "Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want." -10 Things I Hate About You. 

You Are Powerful Part 3

       If anyone tries to tear you down or make you feel like you are less than; don't ever let them succeed. People do the terrible thing of trying to rise above someone to make them fear powerful, but you are more powerful. Be a warrior and rise above them. I know it feels scary, but you will be showing them that you will not be put down. You have so much worth and you deserve to be treated that way. There's a quote that states: "An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."  Be a strong and mighty ship that sails through the tough waters of life; there will be tough waves that will threaten to sink you and drag you down, but rise up and conquer the waves. -Stay strong

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

  Wow! Today is the two year anniversary of my blog! It's so exciting. Writing has been something that has always made me happy. That's why I decided to create this blog. I wanted to create inspiring thoughts and share quotes to make people happy and help uplift them.    I believe that we should use our skills to do an act of kindness no matter how small and simple it may be. There are so many opportunities to show kindness and to make someone's day. I'm so happy to share these thoughts through my writing; especially words to inspire.   Life is full of so many wonderful and beautiful things! We just need to look for them, and I believe that one of the ways to see those things is to smile and look for what makes you happy. I am grateful there are so many great things that make life exciting. I hope you have been inspired by my blog. Have a great week!