
Showing posts from October, 2019

Falling in Love Everyday

  We fall in love everyday, and not just with people. We fall in love with our surroundings, hobbies, etc. I look for opportunities to fall in love and be joyful in my circumstances. For example, when I perform I fall in love with the show and the performance. I fall in love with the story I'm telling because it's making people happy. I love anything that has to do with changing people's lives and making them happy. I'm also in love with helping people; it doesn't hurt to be kind. What is something you fall in love with?

There's Something For Us

 Have you ever heard the saying everything happens for a reason? Sometimes it's hard to believe, but it really is true. Heavenly Father always has something in mind for us and He knows what we need. What we think we need isn't always the case. I know that there's something for each of us. It will come at the right time; waiting for it can be frustrating, but as the old saying goes "Good things come to those who wait." it's a test of patience, but it will all be worth it.


   The other day I found a quote that said "When you're in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you've been buried. Perhaps you've been planted. Bloom." this is a good metaphor for getting through hard times in life. We have all had our struggles and we tend to think that all hope is lost, but it's not. Hope is never lost. When plants grow they become beautiful as they bloom. Things will get better and your trial is not here to stay, it will pass. Sometimes we need to get through things in order to bloom into the better person we can be. We are never alone; you are never alone. The sun will shine on you and help you grow and bloom.