
Showing posts from July, 2023

Why Does the World Love Negativity?

 Lately, this question has plagued my mind: why does the world love negativity so much? It's so strange that people seem to love the tragic stories on the news, drama, and horrific videos on social media. While scrolling through Instagram today, a video of a kid hitting a dog appeared on my feed. He kept doing it repeatedly, and no adult did a thing to stop it. I was so disgusted and horrified by what I saw that I deleted Instagram from my phone. Someone encouraging someone to hurt innocent animals like dogs is one of the worst forms of evil in my eyes. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Anyone who did that to my dog would completely lose my trust. How could anyone think of hurting an animal as pure as a dog, let alone any person as well?  The world needs to stop relishing in causing pain to people, animals, the world, etc.  The world definitely needs to be more kind. 

Mental Health Awareness Part 4

Sometimes you’re met with a heartbreaking revelation as to why things happened the way they did. While I’m grateful for the love of my life, I’m also grateful I got out of the relationship when I did, because I realized my self-worth and that I didn’t deserve to be disrespected. I didn’t deserve to be given “common sense tests” or to be objectified for my body. I didn’t deserve to feel like I was the one going crazy. I definitely didn’t deserve to feel like I “needed to be more flexible” with my standards and values.  If you are trapped in a toxic relationship, find a way out because you don’t deserve the pain that comes with it. Look for the warning signs and get help as soon as possible. You will gain strength for leaving someone who tries to weaken you. Be a warrior and fight for your worth, because no one will take it away from you.