
Showing posts from April, 2017

Quote of the Day #9

“Beauty isn't about the fairest skin. Its about the purest heart.”

Be Proud of Who You Are

  I think it's quite amazing how there are so many people with unique talents. Those people make this world an exciting place! Never be ashamed of your abilities, embrace them. There have been times where I have felt my talents weren't enough, but I decided to use them to help and make people happy.  Who knows? Someone could be needing your talent for comfort or help. Be proud of who you are and embrace your abilities. Enjoy your week!

Earth Day 🌎

Happy Earth Day!    I feel so lucky to live in this beautiful world and get to see beautiful things. I visited Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point and saw so many beautiful flowers! The pictures above are just a few of the flowers I saw, it made me realize that Earth has really beautiful things. I believe that we should take better care of our planet, so that these beautiful things can stay. Have a great day!

Look Up

  Have you ever felt alone? Like no one understands what you're going through? Believe me, I have. We live in a time where things aren't always easy. People can be cruel. One of my favorite talks in General Conference said "We can see the blessings above when we look up." and "Hold onto your faith in those hard times. Look up to Christ for strength, balance, and healing." Like many others, I wish things could be easier. That's why we have Christ to help us through our trials. If we allow Him to help us, then He'll lift us up! “Don't look around, look up!”   -Elder Yoon Hwan Choi

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope you all have an enjoyable day and eat lots of chocolate eggs! Be as happy as the dancing bunny!   I'm also so grateful for another wonderful reason to celebrate Easter. On this day, the Savior rose from the tomb. Knowing that He loves us enough to go through the Atonement makes me feel important and loved. He is always watching out for us because He loves us. My heart is full in having that knowledge. Have a wonderful day.


 "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell, and for once it might be grand to have someone understand, I want so much more than they've got planned." -Beauty and the Beast 

Funny Video of the Day #1

Hilarious video from Studio C! Hope this puts a smile on your face!

Quote of the Day #8

"Always know that there is nothing between you and your dream except you. You're in control of your destiny- be the best you can be." -Criss Angel   This is one of my favorite quotes. There is no one else but us that is controlling our destiny. We all have the power to become who we want to be, we have the power to follow our dreams and become something great. Be your best self and go out there and make your dreams come true.

Someone is Always There

   I'm so grateful for the amazing life that I have.  Some people aren't so lucky. I've seen people who are hating life and wishing that it would end.  It saddens me to think that someone is needing someone to listen, but no one will reach out to help. My heart aches for those people.    It also really breaks my heart to see the way people treat others. There is absolutely no reason to treat someone poorly. What you say can make or break someone's day. You don't know what they could be going through.   Throughout my life I've seen the cruelest things people can do to others just to feel powerful, It makes me so sad to see someone who has the need to put down and discriminate people for their differences. No one is perfect.    I challenge you to reach out to someone who could use a listening ear, a friend, or a shoulder to cry on. Give more compliments than words of put down. The simplest things can have the biggest impact. "Someo...

Quote of the Day #7

“Replace fear with Christ's perfect love. " -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf  I'm grateful to have this knowledge. We need to replace fear with Christ's perfect love. It makes me sad to see people using fear to get others to do what they want. Bullying and aggression will not get you anywhere.

Magic of Ashton Gardens

Look for the magic in life. 

Ten Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself

I am beautiful Today will be a good day I will get things done I am talented I am interesting Things will get better I matter My life is great Something great will happen No one  will bring me down

Empowering Thought of the Day #3

   See the good in life. We may live in a time where things aren't always easy, but that certainly doesn't mean that it's all bad. Extraordinary things are happening everyday! We just need to intently look for them. There are kind people who help make the world  better place everyday. Think of someone who has helped you recently or think of ways you can return the favor. All those things can help you see the good things in life, not just the bad things. Stay strong and be happy.

Life is Great

My heart has been so full. I was pondering the things that I learned from General Conference, and I feel so happy. There have been times where I have felt alone, but I'm reminded that I'm never alone. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and a loving Heavenly Father who is always there for me. This knowledge has made me feel optimistic about things. When things aren't easy, remember that things will work out.  Be happy 💙

Hello April!

I love spring time! The sun shining, the flowers blooming, and the bright blue sky are absolutely beautiful. Nice weather equals positivity! I am optimistic about this month. Things will be great.  General Conference increased my optimism. I learned that we are never alone, we can overcome trials, and we are all of great worth in His eyes. It's amazing what uplifting words from amazing people can do. Have an enjoyable weekend!