Someone is Always There

   I'm so grateful for the amazing life that I have.  Some people aren't so lucky. I've seen people who are hating life and wishing that it would end.  It saddens me to think that someone is needing someone to listen, but no one will reach out to help. My heart aches for those people.

   It also really breaks my heart to see the way people treat others. There is absolutely no reason to treat someone poorly. What you say can make or break someone's day. You don't know what they could be going through.

  Throughout my life I've seen the cruelest things people can do to others just to feel powerful, It makes me so sad to see someone who has the need to put down and discriminate people for their differences. No one is perfect.

   I challenge you to reach out to someone who could use a listening ear, a friend, or a shoulder to cry on. Give more compliments than words of put down. The simplest things can have the biggest impact.

"Someone is on your side, no one is alone."
  -Into the Woods


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