
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Magic of Music

"If music be the food of love, play on." -William Shakespeare  This has been my favorite quote since junior high. Music has brought me some of the greatest memories and the greatest people into my life. It has a certain magic that can bring people together and helps you express yourself. One of my favorite experiences with music was in my junior year of high school, the choir went on tour to San Diego and we got to perform at the La Jolla retirement home. I could tell that we uplifted them with our performance and we grew closer as a choir. To this day I'm grateful for that experience knowing that we made people happy with music.

Quote of the Day #10

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that." -J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)

Make Your Good Better and Your Better Best

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Make your good better and your better best."  This amazing quote was also a vocal warmup my high school choir teacher taught us. We would sing that at the beginning of class, he taught us this because he wanted to remind us to always do our best. This stuck with me during my last year of high school, there have been times where I've tried to be perfect at everything I did and would get down on myself when things didn't go my way; then I remembered the quote.  To this day I'm grateful to my choir teacher for teaching us that warmup, it has helped me not to come down on myself when things don't go perfect. It was an inspiring life lesson to learn.

Don't Let Failure Get You Down!

"Failure is not fun. It can be awful. But living so cautiously that you never fail is worse." -J.K. Rowling I know that we've all felt this way. Failure is never fun, but it can help us learn and grow as a person. One day you'll look back on the situation and remember what you learned from it, success will follow.  As the quote says 'living so cautiously that you'll never fail is worse.' I agree with that, because living our lives in a way that prevents us from failing can prevent us from living a life of accomplishment. The cool thing about this life is that we are here to learn and become better people.  Live your life to the fullest and don't let failure get you down!

Inspiring Video of the Day #1

 I absolutely love this video. I know that we have all struggled with finding our purpose or what fits us, what I love about this world is that there can be more than one answer on what our perfect fit is. I want you to know that you can find many things that make you happy. I hope this video inspires you!

Hello Summer!

Summer is finally here!  I can't wait to jump in the pool, spend time with family and friends, and just have fun in the sun! One of my favorite things to do in the summer is watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July with my family. It has a way of bringing people together. This summer, I'm going to focus on making every moment count. Have a great day!