
Showing posts from March, 2018

Quote of the Day #14

"The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it." -Thomas S. Monson

Faith Conquers All

Sunday is my favorite day! I love the fact that we can have a day to refresh and rejuvenate for the upcoming week; especially when we have a stressful time at school/work.  There have been times where I have doubted myself and was overwhelmed with stress, but then I remember that through faith I can get through anything. We can all get through anything with faith. It conquers everything. Have a wonderful and positive week!

You're Amazing

Don't ever let anyone make you feel ashamed for being yourself or doing what you love. Unfortunately we live in a world where people don't always appreciate others. That's a tough thing to know, but we can't let it bother us. I know that you are stronger than that; because you are amazing. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.  As we go into a new week, build someone up. This will increase their strength as well as yours. We need more kindness in this world. Have a great week! Matthew 5:44

10 Ways to Show Your Love

One of the greatest things about this world is love, not just with relationships. There are many ways to show someone you love them. Call someone just to see how they're doing Invite someone to sit with you at work/school Get to know someone better Compliment someone Share the things you like with your friends; discover what they like as well Find out what you can do to help in your community Be a good listening ear for a friend/family member in need Give advice Be humble Be encouraging

Keep Moving Forward

  The natural human instinct in us is to look at the past, and end up dwelling on it. Looking back on the past distracts us from the present, it prevents us from growing and progressing. Looking back on past mistakes can often have a negative impact on our self esteem.  However, it is nice to look back on memories that we've made, but we need to live in the present. Live in the moment with the people you love and make new friends. Say hello to someone at school or work, pay someone a compliment, or do a kind deed.  "Nobody's perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up. Learn from our mistakes and move on!"