
Showing posts from May, 2018

Advice to My High School Self

    You're at a turning point in your life where you will have to make important decisions. Don’t be so fearful of the future, good things will come to those who wait and be patient. Listen to your parents' advice. They want what’s best for you. They want you to be happy. Don’t care so much about what other people think. Keep to your values. You will meet someone who loves you and will put Heavenly Father first.    Don’t be so hard on yourself, there’s always room for improvement. No one is perfect. There are so many good things in store for you. Amazing opportunities and people will come into your life. You deserve good things. Keep being you and do what you're supposed to do.

Quote of the Day #20

   "If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore." - Michele Ruiz

You Can Always Find Peace

"Peace can come to all who earnestly seek the Prince of Peace," -President Russell M. Nelson  I'm so grateful for this truth. There have been times where I've felt overwhelmed and down, but I know that He is always there. He has lifted me up when things got hard. We can always find peace because of Him. We are never alone. If you are feeling sad, turn to Him. He is waiting to help you, just ask. My heart is full knowing that He is always there. ❤

Unexpected Moments

  For me, the best kind of moments are the unexpected ones. They can become favorite memories or lifelong friends. I still remember meeting some of the people that I love through unexpected moments. I'm grateful for the positivity that came through these moments. Don't take them for granted. I never consider unexpected moments as coincidental, I believe that they happen for a reason. Unexpected moments make life more exciting!

Quote of the Day #19

"You must have the passion, strength, and belief that you can become anything." -Misty Copeland

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mother! Thank you for all you do and for always being there for me. I look up to you. I'm so grateful to have an amazing mother like you! One thing that she has taught me is to be your best self. I've taken that and applied it to my everyday life. I don't know where I would be without my mother. ❤ 

Look For the Beauty in Others

"If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it." -Ruthie Lindsey     We tend to judge before we get to know them and it can bring out the worst in us. There is not enough kindness in the world and I believe that we can all work together to change that.  Showing kindness towards others doesn't always have to be a big thing; it can be just as simple as a smile or saying hello. You never know who could really need that.   Look for the beauty in others. Everyone has something beautiful in them. Point it out when you see it, your kindness will be so apparent in the one who sees it. Try your best to do a simple kind deed each day. This will benefit you and the person you're serving. Have a great day! ❤  

My Love of Performing

 "I just try to approach every opportunity on stage as if it's my first time and my last time." -Misty Copeland      I love performing theatre/music. I have been doing it since I was little and will continue it forever.  One thing that people don't often understand is how valuable theatre can be. It teaches important lessons that you can use in everyday life, builds confidence, and it tells you stories. Theatre will make you feel what it wants you to feel in the story it's trying to tell. Telling a story is my favorite part of being in theatre. When I get up on stage I give it my all to make the audience feel something so that they'll walk out of the auditorium feeling happy. Give theatre a chance, let it teach you something. ❤

The Happiest Place on Earth!

I had the most wonderful and exciting time going to Disneyland this week! I loved experiencing the magic and adventure with my family. No matter how old you get, you can still experience the magic because there is always something for everyone. I would go back in a heartbeat. Disneyland truly is the happiest place on Earth! Enjoy the video of some of my favorite moments from my adventure!