
Showing posts from July, 2018

Quote of the Day #23

    "A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part."

Quote of the Day #22

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt 

10 Things I Learned During The Month of July

  1. Keep your head up when things get hard.   2. Love everyone. We're all amazing!   3. Don't let the hard things get you down.   4. Have no regrets.   5. Live in the moment.   6. Heavenly Father is mindful of your desires.   7. Embrace your talents and continue perfecting them. You were blessed with your talents for a reason.   8.  Do all you can to avoid drama.   9.  Step outside your comfort zone.  10. Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened. 

My Love of Performing Part 2

"Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me." -ABBA I'm grateful for music. I'm grateful that it has a certain magic about it that brings people together and makes people happy. Music provides an escape for when the world seems less bright, it has gotten me through some rough spots in life. It has given me the confidence that I needed to get through a performance and the hard spot in my life. Music has brought so many amazingly talented people into my life that I'm grateful to have met.  Never take music for granted, because it will provide you opportunities and lessons that will help you throughout life.

10 Things I Can't Live Without

Family Friends Theatre Singing Laughter Love Books Smiling Movies Adventure!

Top 10 Favorite Musicals

Hairspray Mamma Mia! The Secret Garden Footloose The Little Mermaid Wicked The Phantom of the Opera Fiddler on the Roof Grease Hello Dolly!


      Love is more than just romance, it's showing everyone around you that you care. Expressing your love towards those you care about and come across can help make this world a better place.  I've seen many examples of love in my life; like having a conversation with a relative or friend you haven't talked to in a while. Showing love can be as simple as a smile or hello. This world could use a lot more love. Love is looking past another person's flaws and seeing them for who they are. No one is perfect, and we all should accept the fact. I believe that the world would be a better place if we all accepted everyone.  I make it my mission to accept and love everyone I come across. Not only does it make the person happy, but it makes me happy as well. I want to spread kindness to all, no matter what their flaws may be. I'm grateful to have people in my life that have shown me what love is. ❤

Quote of the Day #21

           "Let our hands be stretched out in compassion towards others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path," -Dieter F. Uchtdorf


      These past few months, I've learned more lessons about being compassionate. I was just in a show that taught this lesson. I've had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful and talented people. I thought of the cast as my second family. Show compassion for those who need it and show kindness to everyone. We're all different, and that's a good thing. Being compassionate is something that really makes me happy. Knowing that I've made someone happy is a great feeling.  Compassion is a simple act of kindness that everyone should show. 

You are Powerful

        I know that there have been times where the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away, but don't despair. Whatever you're currently going through; keep your head up because you are powerful. Don't listen to the adversary telling you otherwise. One of my favorite quotes from Winnie the Pooh says "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."   I believe in you. I know that you can get through your trial with your head held high. The world throws a lot at us, but things will get better with time. Seek out support, talk to a friend, or talk to your family; they are there for you and want to help you. You are powerful ❤

Dream Big!

"You have to dream big to be big." -Hairspray      I know people out there have a dream or something that they want to achieve, and that is amazing! If you have a dream, then you should go for it. Don't let anyone get in your way and tell you that you can't do what you want to do. I am grateful to have the support of my family and friends in all I do and want to achieve; it's nice to know that they support my dreams. Get others excited about your dreams! Live life the way you want to and dream big!