
Showing posts from March, 2019

Be Good To Yourself

   "Take the time today to be good to you, in thoughts, deeds, and actions, but especially in your thoughts."  Our minds are so powerful that we can do anything we desire, but our minds are so powerful that when we think negatively about ourselves we can convince ourselves that we are less than we are. Don't let yourself think badly about you, because being yourself is the best you can be. If you catch yourself drifting towards those thoughts, then find something to do that will get your mind off those negative thoughts. One effective way is writing. It's a great way to reduce stress and your problems won't seem that big anymore. Have a treat yourself day; put on your favorite movie or go spend time with friends. Do something that makes you happy. This will help you forget your stress for a minute. I know we all like to forget our stresses just for a minute. Be good to yourself.

Spending Time With Good People

   The people you spend time with people who make you happy can be a serious mood booster. I know that I love spending time with people who make me happy. Life can often present us with stressful situations, but its nice to spend time with people who seem to take those stresses away. Those are the kind of people who make life better. Be that person for someone who may need a mood booster. You never know how much they could need one.

Find Joy In Life

   I've been focusing on things that make me happy and today was one of those days. For me its spending time with my mom, grandmother, and sister. We saw a musical and went out to dinner; the whole time I was so happy and I forgot about what was stressing me out and I just focused on the present moment. Finding joy in life helps us remember what is important in life and reminds us who loves us and supports us. Remember the people who will cheer you on for your dreams and support you along the way. Keep your head up. There are so many wonderful things in store.

Find Time To Heal

   "Be brave enough to heal yourself even when it hurts." -Bianca Sparacino  We all deal with pain and it's never a great thing, but we need to be brave enough to find the strength to heal. It may seem impossible at times, but anything is possible if you believe. I know its easy to forget that when things get hard; if we remember our strength then we can conquer anything. Never doubt that. Sometimes it can be painful to let go of what's causing our pain, but only you know what you need to do to heal and you know what makes you happy. Seek out help to get yourself to where you want to be. Surround yourself with good people that make you feel happy and empowered. You are powerful and you can rise above.