
Showing posts from October, 2018


   I love being a creator, especially through music and writing! I love seeing what others have created and how it has shaped the lives of its readers, listeners, etc. Creating gives one the feeling of bringing ideas that they've had for so long into the world. Find a way to bring your idea into the world! What can your creation do to make someone happy? Creating can sometimes be taken for granted, because people don't realize the benefits that creating can bring. Most notably art/performing arts; it can boost one's confidence and help others to make friends. Don't take art for granted, you just might learn something from it.

Appreciating The World Around You

      Since General Conference I decided to take the challenge of fasting from social media for ten days, and so far it really opened my eyes to so many things. I cherish time with my family more and I appreciate the world around me. It also helped me stay positive and live in the moment. I believe that's one thing we forget to do sometimes.   "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."  -Ferris Bueller's Day Off   There are so many things to appreciate in life. Cherish time with your family, go to the park and look around. Life is meant to be experienced; we can't experience life through looking down at a phone screen. I'm not saying social media is bad, but it's good to take a break and live in the moment. I feel so happy during this break I'm taking. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything anymore. Be happy and live life to the fullest.

Strength Part 3

      Sometimes its okay to be sad. Without pain we wouldn't know joy. Don't ever let your emotions build up inside to the point of them exploding; it's not healthy. Talk to someone that you trust and vent about your situation, you'll be glad you did. The world may not seem bright right now but I promise that it will get better. Look for the bright things to help you get through what you're going through. It would be nice if things were easy all the time, but then we wouldn't have opportunities to build strength. As the old saying goes: "There's a light at the end of the tunnel."

Light Prevails

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." -Les Misérables     I know that we've all experienced darkness in life. It can seem like a dark hole that you can't get out of, but don't despair. The sun will always rise; light always prevails. Trials may seem like the end of the world, but in the end we will always come out stronger than before. I'm optimistic that something good will always come. You are stronger than your trial, you are more powerful, don't let it get you down. Be brave 💙

Always Have Hope

      After this General Conference weekend I have been feeling so happy. It has given me hope that there are still good people and things in this world. I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace that I haven't felt in a while because of the stress that life can bring at times. It showed me that Heavenly Father never forgets His children. What a wonderful thing to know! That is an amazing reason to have hope! We may feel like we are alone at times, but that is never the case because He is always there. This Conference increased my testimony and gave me the optimism that I needed.  When life gets you down; always remember to have hope. I know that life can be hard, but hope always prevails. I used to be afraid of the future, but now I'm excited for what it has in store; and you should too. Having something to look forward to can always be an uplifting thing. "There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright."

Find Love

       There's love in everything, not just in romance. We can find love all around us in interests and people. You can find love in a good book or your favorite song. There are moments where you can find love in an experience, a moment that you don't want to end and you'll cherish for the rest of your life. It's amazing how those experiences can have so much meaning in our lives, and that's what makes life beautiful. Cease all moments to find love in all your experiences.