Always Have Hope

      After this General Conference weekend I have been feeling so happy. It has given me hope that there are still good people and things in this world. I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace that I haven't felt in a while because of the stress that life can bring at times. It showed me that Heavenly Father never forgets His children. What a wonderful thing to know! That is an amazing reason to have hope! We may feel like we are alone at times, but that is never the case because He is always there. This Conference increased my testimony and gave me the optimism that I needed.

 When life gets you down; always remember to have hope. I know that life can be hard, but hope always prevails. I used to be afraid of the future, but now I'm excited for what it has in store; and you should too. Having something to look forward to can always be an uplifting thing.

"There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright."


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