
Showing posts from May, 2021

Self Improvement

    One of the most amazing things I learned in church on Sunday was self worth and self improvement. I know we have all struggled with something like that, and it's not easy. Too often we are bombarded with ads and messages from social media, television, etc. to be a certain way to be successful or change a certain thing about ourselves. You are beautiful just the way you are, and make changes in your life for you and not anyone else. Change because you want to; no one can force you to. My heart goes out to anyone who is feeling low self esteem; don't listen to any put downs people say, because they don't know what they're talking about. You deserve to feel loved.

Being Proud of Who I Am

          I have my quirks, and I used to be so ashamed of them. I get excited over things easily, and I've seen that sometimes people get annoyed by that; as a result I would keep what I was excited about on the downlow. Over the years I have learned that it's okay to be excited about things, and share how happy you are about those things. The world is sad enough without people bringing each other down. I've learned to love myself again and not be ashamed of who I am and what I want to achieve in life. It's okay to love who you are; there's a difference between self love and arrogance. Self love is crucial for your mental health. We shouldn't have to feel ashamed about that. I'm not the same person I was a year ago, and I'm so proud of myself.


 One of the things that I'm trying to overcome is perfectionism. I'm not a perfect person, the only perfect person is the Savior and I want to become like Him. I've noticed that sometimes I mentally beat myself up over the smallest things that went wrong throughout the day, and that's not good; it doesn't do anyone any good. I'm striving everyday to see what I can improve on and what I can do better, because there's always room for improvement. I'm doing my best everyday to be a better daughter, sister, friend, teacher, performer, etc. I want to learn from those things to be a better person.  Our imperfections are what makes us better people, because we learn from them.