Song of the Heart

Growing up I always loved listening to and being involved in music, because it always made me so happy. It still does to this day. I just love how music can have a huge influence on how we feel, act, etc.
Throughout my years of school, I was heartbroken to see music get overlooked. Music has a lot of benefits that people don't often realize. For me, the biggest benefit that music has is the mood boosting effect it has.

Music has a big influence on others these days. Everything we listen to has some sort of message in it. It can be good and bad. I just love how happy I feel when I'm involved in music. Whenever I do a choir or theatre performance, I feel free and confident. Like no one can bring me down (Wicked reference ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)
 I challenge you to find one song that makes you happy, it could be your theme song that gives you that boost of confidence. It could be a popular song or one from your favorite Broadway musical. I have lots of favorite songs, but my new favorite song is Sign of the Times by Harry Styles. ๐ŸŽถ

Have fun and have a wonderful week!


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