
Showing posts from February, 2019


   With the stress of life we often forget the things that make us happy and what we have gratitude towards. I'm so grateful for my mom and my sister; they have always been there for me and we will always stick together. I feel so blessed that I have such a supportive and loving family. Things haven't been easy, but I know I can count on them. Gratitude helps us be grateful for the things we do have, and that's what we should be focusing on. It's good to have goals and work towards what you want, but it's also good to live in the present. Life is better with a thankful heart.

There's Always a Light

      There are moments where hard things come our way and it sometimes seems that there is no way out, but that isn't the case. You are strong enough to conquer a task at hand. Lately I've been feeling stressed with tasks in my life, but I know that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You can't have faith with fear. We all need that reminder. Empower yourself to keep your head up and be brave. Don't let fear get you down!

Focus on You

  You know yourself better than anyone. You know what's troubling you and what you should do to help that struggle become bearable. What makes you happy when you focus on yourself? Life can be stressful and unpredictable. I often miss when things were simpler in life, but if things were easy then we would never learn. Find time to focus on yourself. Find ways to mentally reset yourself and make sure you feel like yourself. Some days may be hard, but it will be worth it to mentally heal and reset. Remember to rise above and be powerful.

Story Time: Loving Yourself

      When I was a senior in high school I went on my first real date. I was so excited because the boy happened to be older than me and really cute. My crazy eighteen year old self thought it was love at first sight, and I thought he felt the same way about me. He was so romantic and charming, and he even kissed me on our first date. That's how I thought he felt the same way about me. When we went on our second date I got the heartbreaking confession from him that there were "lots of other girls after him" even though he told me a number of times through the first date and the second date that he liked me so much. That whole thing made me feel awful about myself. Not only did I experience my first kiss with this guy, but I experienced my first broken heart as well. I felt so awful about myself after that whole thing. How could I have been so stupid?  One of my ways of healing from the break up was to love myself. The only people I needed validation from was from ...

Rise Above

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and the most beautiful." -Disney's Mulan    The hard things we go through makes us strong. It may seem like the world is ending, but when you press on you gain a strength that will help you through out life. Adversity is a storm that tries to make us wilt and become weak, but be the flower that blooms in the middle of that storm. Be a warrior through adversity. It will not last long, for it's just a moment in life. However long your trial may be going; keep fighting and bloom in adversity. Don't let adversity intimidate you, rise above it and show it how powerful you are. My mom told me this amazing thing when I was struggling. "Show your power and rise above." I've stuck with that ever since, and it's made life easier. I want to challenge you to show your power and rise above. Be the warriors that you know you can be. "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou ...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!    I hope everyone had a great day celebrating the day of love. Single or not we all deserve love; we are all surrounded by love. We should be celebrating the love we already have instead of the love we don't have. You can also celebrate this day by showing kindness to those who need it. We all want to be loved, why not show it to everyone around us. Above all, don't forget to love yourself.

Letter to Myself

  Dear Eighteen Year Old Self,      You are beautiful and powerful. You don't need to fit in to be cool. Embrace yourself for the amazingly talented woman you are. Remember you have a wonderful family who loves you and you don't need the validation of anyone else, especially those who don't see you for your value.  Don't worry about falling in love right now. You have plenty of other wonderful things in store that are more important. Throughout your life you are going to meet so many people and at some point you will find who you're supposed to be with. Focus on your hobbies, family, your education, and making new good friends. Focus on you and what you need.  You will still deal with some trials, but they will only make you stronger. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember to rise above your challenges.  Go out there and take the world by storm.      "You are braver than you believe, stronger than y...

Find Joy in the Little Things

    What makes me happy is finding joy in the little things in life. Those things consist of laughter, smiling, telling jokes, spending time with good people, etc. I'm happy to have those great things in my life. What are the little things that you enjoy in life? There are so many that can make the world a better place. I'm grateful for the little things in my life. "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." -Robert Breault   I know we tend to dismiss the little things as not important, but as the quote above says for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. That's why I enjoy the little things as much as possible. They can be the mood booster that you didn't realize you needed. Be grateful for the little things in your life.

Start Today

"No Day But Today." -Rent    This is a quote from one of my favorite musicals. I love the message behind this quote. Do you have a goal that you want to achieve? Then start today. You will accomplish your goal much faster if you start today and try to be consistent. This quote is my mantra for 2019 because there's so much I want to achieve, but I won't achieve any of it if I don't start today. Don't let anything stop you from achieving what you want. You are the writer of your own story and you get to decide what makes it better. Go and succeed, I believe in you. Believe in yourself.


  "What is broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how hard it gets, the sun will rise again."   I love that the quote says the sun will rise again. Whenever we are going through a tough time we often think that there's no way out, but there is always a way out. You are strong enough to get through whatever you're going through, and there is someone out there who will help you. Sometimes we go through things in order to help someone who may be going through a similar trial.  It breaks my heart that there are people who take pleasure in hurting others. Don't let whatever is hurting you stop you from fighting back and living your life the way you want to. You are powerful and you deserve to heal. If you are currently going through a difficult time remember that the sun will always rise again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.   "Someone is on your side, no one is alone." -Into the Woods

Positive Thought of the Day

"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."-Helen Keller     There are times where we believe that our lives will be better if we have the thing we are looking for immediately, but that isn't the case. If we're constantly dwelling on the future then we won't enjoy the present and we will forget the important things that are right in front of us. Whatever you're looking for will come eventually, but what's really important is to enjoy the journey. You won't find anything better by excluding the important things in life, but you will get there with support and love from people around you. Have patience and it will come before you know it.