
Showing posts from December, 2018

Goodbye 2018!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic 2018 and that you will have an even better 2019. Here are some of my favorite moments from my adventures that I went on this year! I've met so many wonderful people and had some great opportunities as well. I'm so grateful for all that has happened this year. Adventures happened and dreams came true. I hope your dreams came true as well.

Be a Warrior

   One thing that I want to complete this new year is to be a warrior. Build yourself up and don't let anyone or anything tear you down. Leave what's holding you back in 2018 and move on. It's better to start fresh than go into the new year holding any grudges. Remember how powerful you are and you're value. If someone does you wrong, handle it in a healthy way. Cut off all contact with that person if it's come to that, because it's better to maintain boundaries than to be in heartache.  Know how to handle tough times like the warrior you are. Like the Sara Bareilles song says "I wanna see you be brave!"

Starting Over...

       With the new year coming up, a lot of people are thinking of making some changes or have goals they want to achieve. I definitely have some changes and goals in mind. It's always great to start off the new year with a clean slate, because it gives us an opportunity to start over. Have something in mind that you want to achieve. Maybe you are interested in pursuing a new hobby or want to develop a new skill. Spend time with people who make you happy and uplifted instead of down. What do you hope to gain for the new year? I'm excited for 2019 and all it's about to bring!

18 Things I Learned in 2018

   2018 definitely was a crazy and adventurous year. It was filled with so many exciting events, dreams came true, and I discovered more about who I am as a person and how I grew throughout this year. Here are a few of the things I've learned during the year: 1. Don't be scared to try new things. 2. You can do hard things. 3. Hard times help you grow. 4. If you're patient then a great opportunity will come along. 5. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. 6. Look for opportunities to expand your talents. 7. Never let anyone define your for your imperfections. 8. Cut anyone or anything that's causing you heartache. 9. Walk away from drama. 10. Your family members will be there for you during the hard times. 11. Remember your worth. 12. Live in the moment. 13. Never let anyone tell you that you don't deserve what you want. 14. There's always room for self improvement. 15. You're never to old to experience magical moments...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating this magical holiday!   I'm so grateful for the time my family and I spent together. Spending time with my family is one of top favorite parts of Christmas. Even though presents are great; the greatest thing is spending time with people you love. No one should want to spend Christmas alone. I'm grateful for a loving family who taught me the real reason why we celebrate Christmas and to never forget it.   Remember to have love in your heart and the world will seem wonderful and joyful. Merry Christmas.

Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday as you celebrate your traditions and spend time with family. One of the things I truly love about Christmas is the kindness we do for our neighbors and community. The holidays bring laughter and joy to all as we celebrate and spend time together. I love seeing the smiles on those who perform acts of kindness and those who receive it. Christmas just makes my heart full, because I remember the real reason for celebrating. Have a very Merry Christmas! ❤️

Story Time: The Reason For Celebrating

  In the midst of all the stress of getting things together for the holidays we often forget the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. We remember the birth of the Savior and what He has done and continues to do for this world.   This year my Mom, sister, and I went to Temple Square with some friends. While we were looking at the beautiful Christmas lights and seeing the glorious Salt Lake Temple; we decided to go see the Christus statue. I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and peace while we were looking at the statue of the Savior. I know that He loves us and wants to help us throughout our mortal life. I love moments where the Spirit can make itself known to us. This year I wanted to make Christmas about helping other people and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. It has helped me have peace and love among the stress that life can throw. I'm so grateful for that truth and I'm even more grateful that we are not alone even though the world can make it seem like w...

Story Time: Make Time For Family

    I'm so grateful for my family. The older I get the more I realize how important they are in my life. We always stick together through hard times and always manage to have laughs and fun whenever we are spending time with each other. I know that there are people out there who have family members that are estranged or have fallen away, and that breaks my heart; especially this time of year. Try to reach out to them; after all Christmas is about showing kindness to everyone. Today I went to the aquarium with my grandmother, aunt, and my cousins. We had so much fun having laughs and making memories. We looked at all the cool animals and we even got to hand feed them, it was a neat experience! It showed that no matter where we are, we can make lasting memories with family. Perfect thing to add to my winter break. Family is the best!

Story Time: Christmas Traditions

   Christmas is five days away! I'm so excited, because Christmas is one of my all time favorite holidays. One of my favorite parts of Christmas aside from doing kind things for other people participating in fun traditions!   Something that my family and I always do is have breakfast for dinner on Christmas Eve; most notably Denny's. This tradition started when my sister and I were little. We had just seen The Polar Express at the movie theater with our mom and grandparents and we were on our way home. As we were driving home, my sister said that she was hungry and the only place that was open that late was Denny's. Despite it being a cold and snowy winter, we agreed to stop at the restaurant. So we ended up having late night breakfast and we have been continuing on that tradition ever since. It's so heartwarming that this tradition has been continuing on for so long and I hope it will continue to do so.  What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?...

Love Everyone

       "Love someone exactly as they are." I just read this phrase this morning and I fell in love with it. That's a message that everyone should here; it shows compassion towards people. Love is something we all desire, and not just in a romantic way. We all want to be accepted for who we are, and it's our job to accept a person for who they are. That will strengthen a relationship with your friend, family member, etc. Life threatens to tear loved ones apart from each other, but we can build up a relationship by loving someone exactly as they are.   Don't let anyone prevent you from doing so. Find it in your heart to find that acceptance in your loved ones; it will make both you and them happy. ❤

Take Time to Heal

        Everyone needs time to heal. Especially when we experience heartbreak. Heartbreak can make it hard to trust and causes one to keep their guard up, and it's crucial that we find time to heal. Do whatever you need to help you heal; you know yourself better than anyone. Tell a trusted individual what you're going through and seek help. Talking about your problems is healthier than keeping it bottled up inside.   Another thing you can do is reduce what is causing your heartbreak and pain, and set boundaries if necessary. Think about your mental health and what you need to keep it healthy. Being healed mentally is just as important as being healed physically. If you find the time to heal and rejuvenate then you will see results. The person or thing causing your heartbreak won't be a problem anymore; they have no power over you. You have the power to be strong and to heal. Trust who ever is close to you, and remember the support system you have in your life. ...

Slow Down and Breathe

     One of the most important things you can do is to take care of yourself. We all have to deal with the stresses of everyday life and sometimes it can take a toll on us mentally. Because of this we need to remember to slow down, breathe, and take care of ourselves. Look for ways to help you relax and rejuvenate. Writing is something that helps me relax, because it's very therapeutic to write down your feelings in a journal and it will help reduce stress. I always feel happier after writing.      Remember to find something that helps you relax. With the stress of finals and preparing for the holidays, we need to remember to find time to slow down and breathe. It's good to want to get things done so that we won't have to worry about them, but it's important to remember to take a break in between. Relax and remember to love yourself

Dear Eighteen Year Old Self....

Dear Eighteen Year Old Self,   This is a time for you to make your own decisions, but take the advice of others as well. Listen to your mothers' advice. She wants to make sure that you're happy and she wants good things for you. Never forget who you are. You are a strong, beautiful, and talented girl who has so much to value to this world. It's okay to be your own person and not follow the trends of the world. Remember to be in the world and not of the world. Don't try so hard to fit in; the world would be so boring if we were all the same. Another thing to remember is to talk to your mother about anything, because that's why she's there; to protect you and help you along the way. Don't be afraid to tell her what you're feeling and what is going on in your life. You have so many wonderful and exciting things ahead so don't lose hope. Never lower your standards for anyone, because you deserve someone who treats you right and makes you feel beauti...

Be Your Best Self

     In today's world we often compare ourselves to other people based on looks, abilities, etc. What we really need to be doing is recognizing our own talents and what we have to offer the world. We all have our different strengths and weaknesses, but we can use those things to help other people who may be struggling; you could be helping someone who is struggling with a similar thing you may be struggling with.    What I want to tell you today is to be your best self. My mom taught me that when I was having some struggles. That phrase has stuck with me now at twenty-one years old. There is no one that can be myself than me. Don't compare yourself to others when you have so much to give to the world. Remember your talents and what makes you special. The world will try to tell you otherwise, but never let it come into your thoughts. Remember your own uniqueness and embrace it. Be you and no one else. Be your best self.

Learning from our Experiences

   As I've mentioned in the previous post, things happen that are out of our control. It can be a heartbreaking thing to experience and no one likes to fail, but we can learn from those experiences. Failure isn't meant to bring us down; it's meant to help us learn and grow. I'm so grateful for those learning experiences. They have helped me become a better person and have helped me move on to better things instead of dwelling on them. There have been moments where I'm wanting to give up, but then I wouldn't know joy. The bad times will end and the good times will prevail.