Story Time: The Reason For Celebrating

  In the midst of all the stress of getting things together for the holidays we often forget the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. We remember the birth of the Savior and what He has done and continues to do for this world.

  This year my Mom, sister, and I went to Temple Square with some friends. While we were looking at the beautiful Christmas lights and seeing the glorious Salt Lake Temple; we decided to go see the Christus statue. I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and peace while we were looking at the statue of the Savior. I know that He loves us and wants to help us throughout our mortal life. I love moments where the Spirit can make itself known to us. This year I wanted to make Christmas about helping other people and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. It has helped me have peace and love among the stress that life can throw.

I'm so grateful for that truth and I'm even more grateful that we are not alone even though the world can make it seem like we are at times. Remember the peace and joy that Christmas can bring as you celebrate with your families this year, and as your open your presents; remember the real gift.


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