You Are A Superhero

       What you go through doesn't define who you are. It just makes you stronger and more powerful than you already are. We watch superhero movies because their adventures and stories are exciting, and it's also interesting to see what they learn along the way. There are moments in their stories where they go through pain and struggles. One of the superheroes that I absolutely love is Thor, because he has such a big heart and looks after his friends; he also has his fair share of struggles and goes through depression and anxiety after Infinity War. When he goes back in time to retrieve one of the infinity stones he has a moment where his hammer Mjolnir comes back to him, and he realizes that his struggles don't define him. That was one of my favorite moments to see throughout those movies. We can learn a lot through movies and seeing superheroes be vulnerable can show us that our struggles don't define us. I know without pain we won't know joy, and it will feel so good when we overcome our trials. You are a superhero.


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