Change and Why It Can Be Scary

   It's hard to deal with, and definitely something I'm still working to accept in most aspects of my life. Change is daunting, and what makes it even harder is not knowing how it's going to turn out. Some of the events in my life have turned out in a way I would have never thought of as a kid. Change is one of my biggest fears, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. For most of one's life, they become used to the way things have been, and to suddenly have everything be different; that's terrifying. The unknown is terrifying. 

  I can recall when the pandemic first started, and I didn't know what to expect or how to handle it because it was so sudden. I was afraid of things not being the same anymore, it was like something out of a horror movie. Every ounce of my being was hoping and praying that this was all a bad dream.  I definitely don't want to have to raise my future children in a world where masks are required and staying six feet away is mandatory. I am earnestly hoping this change won't be permanent and things will return back to normal. One of the things this pandemic has taught me is to not take things for granted because you never know what could happen. I miss going to midnight showings of movies, normal days of school, going to a normal session of church, and I actually miss the crowded Main Street of Disneyland. 

I believe the best thing we can do is have hope, even when it seems like it's hard. I've been trying my best to hang on to hope. When things don't seem to be getting any better, having hope feels impossible. I’m still praying for things to return to normal, and I'm still working hard on accepting things that are changing or that I cannot change. 


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