Learning what Matters Most


    The most important things in life are the ones that benefit you in the long run: the people, events, etc. Part of being human is dwelling on things that seem important at the time. I catch myself falling into that all the time, and it's something I'm working on. Albeit, it's something we're all working on. Sometimes experiences are given to us to help us figure out the things that really matter in life. There are some things that are subjective and don't have anything to do with us, and sometimes they're experiences we don't need right now; that's something I'm always trying to remind myself. 

  As I mentioned in my previous post, surround yourself with good quality people, and I stand by that when I speak of things that matter. Be around people who make you happy and uplifted. It's not worth being around people who make you feel bad about yourself and who cut you down. I've never understood people who did that. 

This summer has taught me important lessons about remembering what matters most; more specifically spending time with important people like family. Those experiences are ones that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Live in the moment and appreciate.


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