
Showing posts from January, 2019

Don't Let Anyone Break You

"No matter how the wind howls. The mountain cannot bow to it." -Disney's Mulan    Be the mountain in the wind storms of life. The mountain is strong in even the toughest of elements. There are moments in life where a person or circumstance tries to break us and weaken us, but don't let that happen. Surround yourself with all the protection you can and be around things that make you happy and invite a good feeling. The quote that I mentioned above has really helped me these past few days; there have been moments where I've felt like I was about to break, but then I remembered that I'm a mountain that is strong in the wind. You are a mountain that's strong in the wind. Don't let anyone or anything break you, because you are strong and brave.

There's Always a Way For Help

  There is nothing wrong with asking for help. It can be the best feeling to get advice from a loved one or a trusted individual. I know that asking for help can be a little daunting, but when you ask for help it will be the best feeling; it's as if a weight is lifted off. It has been the best thing for me lately. I haven't felt alone since doing that. Don't let anyone make you feel like there is no hope, because there is always hope. Talk to a parent, a trusted individual, pray for help.  With faith hope will come. "There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith." -Gordon B. Hinckley

Write Your Life's Story

  One of the important things we can do is write our own story. You're the protagonist and you are off on your quest to live the best life you can. You are also the author; decide what makes your story great and who you want to be the cast of characters in your story. There will be antagonists and challenges that will be some where in the story, but you can decide how you will conquer them and who will help you in doing so.  What genre will your life story be? Will it be a comedy or an adventure? You decide what your story will be like and who will be part of it. You are the maker of your own destiny and you can control your own life.    Whatever you decide to make your life story better, make it amazing and beautiful. 


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest; it is about who came and never left your side." My friends are the greatest people I've ever known. We reunited today for a mission homecoming and we caught up! It was like we were back in the halls of high school. They feel like my second family, we always are there for each other. I'm so grateful for them being part of my life. I don't know where I would be without them.


   In the hard times of life we need to find reasons to have faith. There have been times where I didn't believe in myself and I thought that I couldn't succeed, but having faith got me through those times. Life can throw challenges at us that sometimes knock us down, but when we believe that we can do hard things then we can conquer the world! Believe in yourself and strive to have faith. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so enjoy life and be happy. "Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier." -Thomas S. Monson

What Makes You Happy?

   What are some of your favorite things that make you happy? I find joy in reading, writing, watching my favorite movie, spending time with my family and friends, and singing. Finding what makes you happy is a great self esteem and energy booster. When I'm feeling stressed out with school, I love to sit down and read my favorite book or watch a funny video. Happiness can help you get through the hard times and it can help you remember to laugh. There are times to be serious, but we shouldn't be serious all the time. We need to remember to laugh and smile. Remember to find something that makes you happy, and one of the most important things you can do is surround yourself with people who make you happy. "Happiness can be found in the darkest even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Make Time For Yourself

  Your mental health is just as important as your physical health; so that's why it's important to make time for yourself. Find time to take a breather and take a break from what you need to take a break from for how ever long you need. Your happiness is the most important thing. Don't ever let anyone make you feel sad or tear you down because of what you decide to make your life better. It's your life, do whatever you need to do to make it better. Be around people who support your decisions and cheer you on. Never let anyone make you feel ashamed when you need to step away from something like social media or quitting a job that isn't working for you.  Take care of yourself. Live your life the way you want to.

You Can Do Hard Things

    Have you ever been intimidated by a task you had to do because you didn't feel that you were capable of doing it? I believe we all have. Don't ever let anyone or anything make you feel like you can't succeed, because you can do hard things. Be strong and be confident in you abilities. You can do anything you set your mind to. The most important thing is to never doubt yourself; believe in yourself. Plan your dreams and start your journey. Have a great week!

Love Part 2

      I am grateful for the love that I've witnessed all around me. It shows all the kindness that the world still has. As I've said before love isn't just about romance, love is accepting people for who they are and showing kindness to those who need it. There isn't enough love in the world and we should spread love to everyone. We are all different and that's what makes this world a beautiful and interesting place. I hope this year will be an opportunity to show love and kindness more often. Love is the simplest act of kindness we can show. With the new semester about to start, I will use that time to show more love and kindness to those I meet; you may never know who may need it.   We all deserve love and happiness. Never forget that. If you ever feel sad or unloved, remember that you have people around you that love you. Focus on being with those who make you feel uplifted and happy. Have a great week. ❤


    I've discovered that things have their way of working out if we are patient. Sometimes it can be hard to be patient if we have something that we so desperately desire, but in the end there's always something better in store for everyone. It doesn't do anyone good to keep wishing that it would come sooner because things work out in their own time and they will come when we're ready. I know we've all had moments of impatience; that's part of being human. I know that waiting is never fun, but it can test how much patience we have. I'm optimistic that things will work out when they're meant to. I hope you have something you're looking forward to and that you succeed in getting it. Don't let anything make you impatient, remember the phrase: "Patience is a virtue."

Keep Trying

  All my life I've been told that everything happens for a reason. I've had moments where I didn't make the show that I auditioned for or didn't get the things I thought I wanted, but I remember that everything has its purpose and happens for a reason. So don't doubt what's in store for you. This reminds me of a quote that I read this morning: "When one door closes, another one opens."   Remember that if you don't get what you were hoping for, another opportunity that's even better will come along. This has made me optimistic that there's always a Plan B to one's Plan A. I hope this has inspired you to be optimistic if things don't work out the way you want them to. I hope you're all having an enjoyable year so far!

Happy New Year!

I'm so excited to see what this new year has in store! I've closed the door on 2018 and opened the door wide for 2019. I have a feeling there are so many good things that await. There's lots of goals that I would like to accomplish. What are your goals? If you have a dream that you would like to have come true, then go out there and achieve it and don't let anyone stop you!  "No day but today!" -Rent