What Matters Most

       Things that have been happening in the world inspired me to write this post today. One thing this pandemic has taught me is to remember what is really important in life, and I've noticed that people are forgetting that. It makes me sad to see people hating each other and tearing down meaningful things that make this country amazing. The world has become a scary place, but I believe that we can work together to make the world better again. We can work together to stop the awful things that are happening and bring peace. I'm grateful that we have The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be a beacon of hope for all of us. We can start by showing love to our family, friends, neighbors, community, etc. 

Never in my twenty-three years of living would I think I would be living a real life apocalypse movie, and seeing the world in heartache and pain. It makes me sad that there's more heartache and pain everyday. I strongly believe that things will get better. We need to remember what matters most: like family, life, happy moments, etc. That was a lesson that I needed to learn when I was experiencing the first part of the pandemic; I was mourning the loss of plans that I had for 2020, and I was angry and sad, but as I took it one day at a time, I gained my happiness back again and I filled my time with things that I enjoyed and learned new hobbies. I also keep my mind occupied with school and work, because those two things make me happy as well. I hope people will find it in their hearts to remember the things that really matter. 


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