Life Lessons

    In my twenty-three years of living, there are things that I still don't know and I love looking for opportunities to learn more about what life has to offer. Even if the littlest things in life, I want to know why things happen, but sometimes we don't always get our answers in the way we want them to. Heavenly Father has a plan in mind for us, and sometimes He steers us in the right direction through life’s disappointments, rejections, etc. I struggle with rejection, but I'm trying my best everyday to see where I'm supposed to be going through the rejections I face in life. I know it doesn't make them any less painful. I do wish life didn't have challenges, but how would we learn? How would we progress? Without the hard times, how can we learn to appreciate the good times? All of these things are food for thought, and can teach us not to take things for granted. That's a big lesson I've learned since the pandemic started, and I'm still hoping and praying everyday that it will go away so we can learn what we're supposed to from this whole thing. This week, make sure to remember to appreciate what you have and learn not to take things for granted. 


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