End Contentions
Contentions, they never feel good and they don't make people feel good; that's the adversary's way of tearing people apart. It terrifies me because of how much contentions there are in this world, and I'm the kind of person who likes to make sure everyone is happy. It physically and emotionally pains me to see people yelling at each other and tearing each other down. I don't see the point in fighting and bringing people down; what does that achieve? What do we gain out of contending with people? Can that make us a better person? Will we progress in our desires by making people feel bad about themselves? That answer is a resounding no. We will not get anywhere in life by having contentions and tearing people down. My biggest wish for everyone in the entire world is to show people kindness and make everyone around them feel good about themselves. Contending with people never allows us to win, nobody wins by tearing people down.
My plea to the world is to just be nice to people, and show people how much you love them. It makes me sad that the world is getting more contentious by the day, and it's getting worse. Go out of your way to be nice to people; it will make you feel good. Love everyone.
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