You are Powerful Part 2

    When things get hard and seem dark, never forget how powerful you are. You are stronger than you think. I know there are times where it seems like the world is trying to conquer us, but you can conquer the world. Step outside your comfort zone; do something that scares you. Conquer all that comes at you because you are a warrior. Never forget your individual worth.

  There have been times were I've felt helpless and terrified, but then I remembered my individual worth and reminded myself that I'm powerful no matter how scared I may feel. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. The adversary will do all it can to watch you fall, but do not give it that chance. Don't let it make you feel like you are less than. With school coming up, walk into your first class of the day with your head held high. Make them notice your confidence; let them know that you will conquer the school year.

You can do anything!


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