
Showing posts from August, 2021

Help Others, Don't Harm

    I believe there is good in everyone. It just saddens me to see people use their struggles as an excuse to be mean to people. I realize people have different ways of coping, but being mean and hurting feelings isn't okay.  Justifying this attitude by calling it being honest makes me sad. I've seen people have the excuse of using their respective star signs to justify mean attitudes; a sign on a magazine horoscope doesn't excuse being mean. Sometimes you need to keep your opinions to yourself to avoid hurting loved ones. Some may call that being sensitive, but I call that being a decent person. It is better to be happy than to be correct.  Don't let anyone cut you down or make you feel bad about yourself; you don't have to put up with that. Some people express their insecurities to others to make them feel more powerful, which is unfortunate to know.  There are some different ways to cope with struggles; talk to a trusted loved one. Or anyone that knows you an...


      Differences are good. People have challenges and that doesn't make them bad. There are people with physical and mental challenges, and they still manage to live successful lives; I find people like that very inspiring! It's people like that who show that anything is possible.    We can learn that the word impossible can be a motivator to change it to the phrase "I'm possible" I recall hearing it in high school, and it has stuck with me since then. Anything is possible if we set our mind to it and if we ask the Lord for guidance, because anything is possible through Him. We don't know what someone could be going through so we shouldn't assume that "they're just being lazy" or "doing it for attention"  Why would someone be struggling for attention? That doesn't make any sense to me. Everyone has their own struggles and differences; and again, that doesn't make them a bad person! Sure, struggles and differences can be dif...

Why I Enjoy Writing

 There's nothing wrong with taking time for yourself to heal. Everyone is different and some things work better than others. One of my favorite things to do is to write, because there's something freeing about writing your feelings down on paper; it's like a weight being lifted off. I have so many journals for many different topics, I feel like I'm writing my own stories, and I'm the protagonist. Writing is one of the best kinds of therapy, and I also find solace in writing my own stories, and even fanfiction just for fun. :) Creating worlds in stories is extraordinarily fun! Creating characters and stories is part of the fun. I've always dreamed of inspiring someone with my writing and to encourage people not to take the subject for granted. We can always preserve things with writing, and we can inspire many generations to come.

Body Positivity

    We're all beautiful in our own way, and that beauty is more than just looks. Someone could be pretty on the outside, but have a not so pretty personality on the inside. How someone looks doesn't make or break a person, it's about how we treat others. There are so many different and unique looks in this world, and all of them are beautiful. The world needs to stop degrading people for how they look; body type, skin color, etc.    Again, that doesn't make or break a person. The world expects us to look on the outside to get to know a person, but we should get to know someone for who they are as a person.    My point is that we need to stop body shaming and start complimenting people on who they are as individuals. Yes, it's important to be healthy, but that doesn't give anyone the right to make someone to feel bad about themselves. Body types are different and it's absolutely not okay to degrade someone for their body type/figure. We deserve love and resp...


 We all deserve to feel accepted, and it's our job to make others feel that way in life. There's no point in exclusion, because it only hurts people. I try my best to include people in all aspects of my life because everyone deserves to have a friend and feel good about themselves.    I mentioned previously that there is no point in excluding people; there really is no point in that. No one wins with exclusion. We are all different people and that's a good thing! Don't condemn someone for being different, because there's nothing wrong with that.    Every single person on this planet has something to contribute, and thinking about that concept makes this world that much exciting in the midst of all the pain and heartache that the world has been brewing. Someone may be good at music and can make some of the most beautiful tunes to help uplift another person; another person may be good at telling jokes to make people laugh, and someone can be good at art and is abl...

Your Value

 Don't listen to the shoulder devil that tells you that you're not good enough, in fact don't let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough. They don't know you.   One of the biggest problems I've dealt with growing up was caring about what other people thought of me, and now that I'm older, I realize that I was wasting my time and energy caring about that kind of problem.     Sure, I still struggle with that from time to time, but I am working on healthy habits to not let my mind fall into that trap. One of my favorite habits is looking at positive affirmation quotes and playing games on my phone that focus on those things. I was playing one of those games today, and it was one of the things that made me feel so much better and I was more positive! Things like that help me to have positive energy and the motivation to get through my day.      A self love prompt I like to use while journaling is listing three things I love about myself, and...

Inner Beauty

    The world expects us to be what it wants us to be, and it can be relentless in its tactics; we are bombarded everyday with ads on social media, television, etc. to advertise products to us that claims they will make one desirable and beautiful. Beauty is more than appearances; it's about how you are as a person and how you treat people. Someone could have pretty looks, but have an ugly personality. Others could be narcissistic in their actions and think they're better than everyone around them, and that's not a good way to be. We should be building each other up instead of trying to tear each other down; making someone feel bad about themselves is a waste of time and energy, because everyone involved would be hurt.  I feel we could be more productive pointing out the beauty people have on the inside, because that's more beautiful and we could be making people feel good about themselves. If we can hate someone for no reason, then we can love someone for no reason.

Remembering Your Needs

   I'm grateful for the people in my life who are in my corner. Everyone should have a good support system of people who make them feel uplifted and happy, and those kind of people will be supportive of what your needs are and support you. As long as your needs don't hurt anyone, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t put those needs first.  Listen to your instincts if you don’t feel right about something, and if it doesn’t feel right, then it’s your call to not participate. It’s your life and your choice. You put who you want in your corner and make sure those people are trustworthy. Trust is one of the most important things in my life, and I take it very seriously. I strive to remain trustworthy to people in my life and be a good daughter, friend, sister, etc.  Remain honest and remember that it’s your life and you make your own choices. Live life while being kind and being kind to yourself.