Inner Beauty
The world expects us to be what it wants us to be, and it can be relentless in its tactics; we are bombarded everyday with ads on social media, television, etc. to advertise products to us that claims they will make one desirable and beautiful. Beauty is more than appearances; it's about how you are as a person and how you treat people. Someone could have pretty looks, but have an ugly personality. Others could be narcissistic in their actions and think they're better than everyone around them, and that's not a good way to be. We should be building each other up instead of trying to tear each other down; making someone feel bad about themselves is a waste of time and energy, because everyone involved would be hurt.
I feel we could be more productive pointing out the beauty people have on the inside, because that's more beautiful and we could be making people feel good about themselves. If we can hate someone for no reason, then we can love someone for no reason.
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