Your Value

 Don't listen to the shoulder devil that tells you that you're not good enough, in fact don't let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough. They don't know you.

  One of the biggest problems I've dealt with growing up was caring about what other people thought of me, and now that I'm older, I realize that I was wasting my time and energy caring about that kind of problem. 

   Sure, I still struggle with that from time to time, but I am working on healthy habits to not let my mind fall into that trap. One of my favorite habits is looking at positive affirmation quotes and playing games on my phone that focus on those things. I was playing one of those games today, and it was one of the things that made me feel so much better and I was more positive! Things like that help me to have positive energy and the motivation to get through my day. 

    A self love prompt I like to use while journaling is listing three things I love about myself, and my example would be something like this: 

1. I am kind

2. I show love to everyone around me

3. I am resilient

What three things do you love about yourself?


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