
 We all deserve to feel accepted, and it's our job to make others feel that way in life. There's no point in exclusion, because it only hurts people. I try my best to include people in all aspects of my life because everyone deserves to have a friend and feel good about themselves. 

  I mentioned previously that there is no point in excluding people; there really is no point in that. No one wins with exclusion. We are all different people and that's a good thing! Don't condemn someone for being different, because there's nothing wrong with that. 

  Every single person on this planet has something to contribute, and thinking about that concept makes this world that much exciting in the midst of all the pain and heartache that the world has been brewing. Someone may be good at music and can make some of the most beautiful tunes to help uplift another person; another person may be good at telling jokes to make people laugh, and someone can be good at art and is able to draw beautiful masterpieces to inspire those who view it or inspire someone to be an artist themselves. 

               Everyone has value! 

Differences are good and interesting. Individuals in life can be extraordinary! So if you see someone that looks like they're lonely, go over and talk to them. I am positive that will make their day. 


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