Differences are good. People have challenges and that doesn't make them bad. There are people with physical and mental challenges, and they still manage to live successful lives; I find people like that very inspiring! It's people like that who show that anything is possible.
We can learn that the word impossible can be a motivator to change it to the phrase "I'm possible"
I recall hearing it in high school, and it has stuck with me since then. Anything is possible if we set our mind to it and if we ask the Lord for guidance, because anything is possible through Him. We don't know what someone could be going through so we shouldn't assume that "they're just being lazy" or "doing it for attention"
Why would someone be struggling for attention? That doesn't make any sense to me. Everyone has their own struggles and differences; and again, that doesn't make them a bad person! Sure, struggles and differences can be difficult to deal with for some people, but they certainly aren't struggling for attention.
We all can be good support systems and be kind to those who are struggling. It's so simple to be kind and loving to a friend, family member, loved one, etc. Look for the opportunity.
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