
Showing posts from March, 2022

How I Feel Empowered

  It is International Women's Month, and I wanted to talk about how I feel empowered as a woman. Serving others is one of the ways I feel empowered. That's something I've been working on more, and I've seen it benefit my life greatly, knowing that I go out of my way to help others. Serving others doesn't have to be a huge thing. It can be as small as having a pleasant conversation and helping others feel included. Last week, I wrote that no one deserves to feel excluded and alienated. I still stand by that. One thing I absolutely love about my YSA ward is the love we share for one another in helping everyone feel included. I'm also grateful for Relief Society. These wonderful sisters are amazing friends and I always feel welcome whenever I go to Relief Society. The Relief Society sisters help me feel empowered, and I feel like I belong. No one deserves to feel like they don't belong, because everyone is welcome. Everyone deserves a friend. I love you all.

Being Appreciated

 Are you among those who have worked hard for a long time and have wanted to be rewarded for their efforts? It can be extremely frustrating when people do not acknowledge your efforts.  Certainly, it is infuriating when people don't want to acknowledge the amount of work that you have put into something and disregard it for some reason.  It's especially frustrating when you know your intentions were sincere. Unfortunately, some people don't take the time to appreciate the effort we put into things. I have had my own experiences where I had worked hard to accomplish something or show that I'm good enough, but then I got waved to the side. I was devastated because of how long I spent working on what I wanted to accomplish. It seemed like they didn't want to appreciate me.  I work hard in all I do, and I'm sure all of us work hard as well. I'm sure we all have some kind of goal or desire in mind, and we all deserve to have our dreams become a reality. No matter...

The Stormy Seas of Life

Life can be like a huge ocean with its unforgiving waves and relentless storms. It can be taxing to figure out how to navigate the waves while dealing with the wind and rain.  There have been times in my own life where I've had to navigate life's storms and hurricanes. Metaphorically meaning difficult periods of life. I remember times where I have been close to losing hope. Moments in life have been hard to deal with, but that doesn't mean they're impossible.  I sometimes wonder why certain moments happened and what I needed to learn from them. Some things I still haven't received the answer to, and others I didn't get an answer until later in life. Things really do come at their own time.     I know it can sound cliché to say things will get better, but they really do. Keep moving forward and keep hanging on to the light at the end of the tunnel.  There are storms I've experienced recently that I'm still wondering why they even had to come at this time....

I'm Here For You

  I want everyone to know how loved you are and you deserve to feel loved. No one should feel alone or alienated. The world is already a cruel place, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We are all learning about and understanding each other; if you don’t understand something then don’t be mean about it, because that won’t get you anywhere. Take the time to get to know someone and see them for who they are, because we’re all different and that’s okay. Too often I see on social media hashtags that say “bring back bullying,” and that confuses me. Why would someone want to be mean on purpose? That doesn’t make any sense. Let’s bring back kindness because there’s far too much cruelty. My heart goes out to anyone who is currently feeling alone or alienated. I’m here for you.

Second Chances

 Everyone deserves a second chance. We are all entitled to forgiveness. Moving forward is the best thing anyone can do when faced with a trial/heartbreak, but I understand that isn't an easy thing to do. Sometimes one can feel like they won't be able to look at the person the same way again.  I have had experience in my own life where I've struggled to forgive someone, but in the end, I knew it was the right thing to do.  There are people in my life who mean everything to me and I do my best to maintain those relationships in my life, even if there are tough moments like disagreements. Again, it's better to give people chances than to completely cut people out of your life.  I know boundaries are important and ultimately you are the one who decides what those boundaries are. You are the author of your own life and you get to decide who stays in your story. You decide who are the cast of characters.  Keep this in mind: everyone deserves to be forgiven. We're not ...

Heartbreak Will Go Away

Dear Friend,    It is with deep sympathy that I offer my sincerest condolences for the heartbreak you have suffered.  All of us experience heartbreak and pain from time to time, and it never becomes easier to handle.  Even though it is impossible to avoid, I want to be there to lend a listening ear when you need it; since I believe all people deserve to be heard and to have the ability to express themselves.  No matter what kind of pain you are experiencing, whether it's the result of a break up or dealing with the betrayal of a family member or friend, it's your pain and you have the right to feel the way you do, since you are the one living through it and no one else.  I know it may sound cliché, but this will pass, and it will not last forever. You will meet so many wonderful people and get so many opportunities. People in your life want you to succeed and be the best that you can be.           Sometimes, people don't realiz...


This is for anyone who has experienced heartbreak at some point in their life. A broken heart is never easy to deal with. In fact, it can be painful depending on the severity of the heartbreak; medical studies show you can literally die from a broken heart. It's that serious. Life can be challenging, especially when faced with heartbreak. Family members and friends can also break our hearts; heartbreak is not limited to romantic relationships. My heartfelt sympathies are extended to all those who have suffered heartbreak.  Heartbreak is confusing and painful. One often doesn't know why it's happening, which makes the experience excruciating.       It is especially difficult when it is someone you trust or thought you could count on. You feel as though the rug is being pulled out from under you, since that would be the last thing you would expect from someone you trusted.  While heartbreak does not last forever, for some people, it may take longer to heal; t...

Let's Help Make Life Easier

 Believe it or not, there is good in the world. One of my favorite anime shows says, "The world is cruel, but it's beautiful."  The world has had its cruel moments, but there has been more beautiful moments. There's more good than bad.  Going through trials can make it hard to see the good in the world, believe me, I've been there. Recently, I've been working hard to see the positivity in things. It's not easy for everyone, but it can be done. I was losing hope that things would get better, but I have seen things improve.  Feeling out of control is a chaotic feeling and it can make one feel like a ticking time bomb. We are all at different stages of life and we are finding our way. I'll have to admit, life is hard, but there's good in life. There are moments that make life worth it.  Everything will be good.

You Have Every Right to Feel Good About Yourself

 Be the person that makes people feel good about themselves. Don't be the person who tears people down because of your own struggles. I understand that people lash out and that's part of being human, but when you consistently make someone feel bad about themselves with the intent of doing so, then that's something that you probably need to be aware of.  There's a difference between self-love and narcissism. Self-love is loving yourself despite your flaws and imperfections. Narcissism is thinking that you have no imperfections at all, and you make everything about yourself. Narcissists can't take being criticized, and they have a fixed mindset; not wanting to change.   If we don't change, then how will we learn? We must learn to accept our flaws and feel good about ourselves. Some flaws can't be erased and there's nothing wrong with that. Mental illness is one of those things, and no one is less than because of circumstances like that.    Take the time ...