Heartbreak Will Go Away

Dear Friend,

   It is with deep sympathy that I offer my sincerest condolences for the heartbreak you have suffered. All of us experience heartbreak and pain from time to time, and it never becomes easier to handle. Even though it is impossible to avoid, I want to be there to lend a listening ear when you need it; since I believe all people deserve to be heard and to have the ability to express themselves. 

No matter what kind of pain you are experiencing, whether it's the result of a break up or dealing with the betrayal of a family member or friend, it's your pain and you have the right to feel the way you do, since you are the one living through it and no one else. I know it may sound cliché, but this will pass, and it will not last forever. You will meet so many wonderful people and get so many opportunities. People in your life want you to succeed and be the best that you can be.     

    Sometimes, people don't realize the value you possess, but there are people in your life who do recognize it. Whenever I meet someone new, or even if I have known them for a long time, I try to see the value they have in their lives, because every person on this planet has value.

The age-old saying "nobody is perfect" is often used by people as a means of not feeling ashamed of their flaws, since no one is perfect. I promise that everything will be okay and that things will improve. You are entitled to feel your pain if you are hurt. Do not suppress your feelings, as this is detrimental to your mental health. Try talking to a trusted friend or a therapist if you do not feel comfortable talking to a family member. 

Don't take your family for granted. After all, they are there for you and want to assist you in navigating life. Be careful not to take life for granted, because rough patches won't last forever. The hard times can be difficult to let go of because they are so vivid in our lives; strangely enough, for some reason the hard times tend to overshadow the good. I am still working on focusing on the good times, as there is no valid reason to dwell on the negative events. 

The good times will always prevail. 

I hope things get better. 




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