How I Feel Empowered

 It is International Women's Month, and I wanted to talk about how I feel empowered as a woman.

Serving others is one of the ways I feel empowered. That's something I've been working on more, and I've seen it benefit my life greatly, knowing that I go out of my way to help others. Serving others doesn't have to be a huge thing. It can be as small as having a pleasant conversation and helping others feel included. Last week, I wrote that no one deserves to feel excluded and alienated. I still stand by that. One thing I absolutely love about my YSA ward is the love we share for one another in helping everyone feel included. I'm also grateful for Relief Society. These wonderful sisters are amazing friends and I always feel welcome whenever I go to Relief Society. The Relief Society sisters help me feel empowered, and I feel like I belong. No one deserves to feel like they don't belong, because everyone is welcome.
Everyone deserves a friend. I love you all. 💕


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