You Have Every Right to Feel Good About Yourself

 Be the person that makes people feel good about themselves. Don't be the person who tears people down because of your own struggles. I understand that people lash out and that's part of being human, but when you consistently make someone feel bad about themselves with the intent of doing so, then that's something that you probably need to be aware of. 

There's a difference between self-love and narcissism. Self-love is loving yourself despite your flaws and imperfections. Narcissism is thinking that you have no imperfections at all, and you make everything about yourself. Narcissists can't take being criticized, and they have a fixed mindset; not wanting to change. 

 If we don't change, then how will we learn? We must learn to accept our flaws and feel good about ourselves. Some flaws can't be erased and there's nothing wrong with that. Mental illness is one of those things, and no one is less than because of circumstances like that.  

 Take the time to learn how to love yourself. There are so many ways to do that, like finding time to have quality time with yourself; treat yourself like your best friend. Treat yourself like you would any other best friend. 

Friends make you feel good about yourself, so be that best friend you deserve.


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