There's No Shame in Crying


   Emotions are good, because they make us human. The world tells us that we need to keep our emotions held in because that is a sign of weakness. I like this quote that Johnny Depp said, "People cry not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long." I strongly agree with that quote. We all have strength, and when we have days where our emotions are on our sleeve; we are still strong. Showing emotion doesn't make you weak, it shows the strength you have. Hiding emotions never works out well in the end, because it can compromise your mental health. I'm still working on that; I hide my emotions because I don't want to inconvenience any of my loved ones with my problems, but I know the loved ones in my life are here to help me. There's no shame in asking for help, and finding good people to help you is a good step. Family and friends are the best support system.


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