
Showing posts from May, 2019

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 18

1. Sunsets: They're absolutely breathtaking! It's one of Heavenly Father's beautiful creations that help us appreciate how beautiful this world is! 2. Spring Time: It's a season of new beginnings. Flowers begin to bloom and animals are born, and life is beautiful! This season can be a symbol of new beginnings for all of us to help us make the changes necessary to help us become better people. 3. Summer Nights: They are another beautiful thing. It's full of life and adventures, which is one of my favorite parts about summer.  I hope to go on lots of adventures and make new memories.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 17

1. Hope: It has gotten me through the hard times in my life and it has helped me to stay positive when the world seems less bright. We should all inspire to have hope. It is one of the biggest lifelines we can have. 2. Positivity: It's one of my favorite things ever! Even when I'm going through a tough time I try my hardest to stay positive. We should all strive to have positivity. We can show it towards those who are going through a tough time. There is too much negativity in the world, and it would be a better place if we all treated each other with respect. 3. Kind Words: Isn't it amazing how good kind words can make us feel? It makes me feel better when I'm having a bad day. I try to show that towards everyone I know or who I'm currently getting to know. In the movie Cinderella, there's a quote that says "Have courage and be kind." it has stuck with me since I saw the movie. Being kind will help us get through the hardest times or if you are ha...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 16

1. New friends: Meeting new people is one of my top favorite things; especially when it leads to a friendship. I love seeing what people want to accomplish in life and sharing mine with them. New friends always come at the right time. 2. Imagination: It's another things we take for granted, we have become too serious and literal. Having an imagination is a wonderful thing and it can bring your ideas to life. A lot of great people like Walt Disney had an excellent imagination and brought a whole magical world to life. Stan Lee brought a universe to life that is loved by all. I admire all of those people. 3. Car rides: I love going on car rides; even if we're not going anywhere. I love going on these kinds of car rides with my family and friends. We just talk about life and what we're feeling. It feels like going on an adventure for a few minutes.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 15

1. Blessings: They provide comfort and motivation to help me with whatever I'm going through. I also know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me. That way I know that everything is going to be okay. I love getting those feelings of comfort. 2. Talents: Everyone has them, and it's so cool to see what everyone can do with their talents. I want to use my talents of writing and theatre to make people happy. Not everyone has the same talent and that's okay; that's what makes everyone beautiful and unique. Talents make the world a little bit brighter. 3. Listening to music: It helps time go faster and it helps me relax when I'm stressed out. The best feeling in the world is when my favorite song comes on the radio and I can sing it at the top of my lungs! That's one of my favorite things! I love getting lost in the music, because the song tells a story and it can influence how you feel. Music is very therapeutic, especially when you're having a stressful d...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 14

1. My mother: She is the most amazing mother in the universe! She is the strongest person I know and I aspire to be that kind of person. I look up to her. I'm grateful for her support and love. She has always taught me to be my best self. She has been my rock and my shoulder to cry on and my confidant. I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 13

1. My grandma: She's always there for me, she is my friend. She tells great stories and gives great advice. I'm so grateful to have come from a family with great women I can look up to. I enjoy going on outings with her and having great conversations with her. I'm grateful to have wonderful family members. 2. Beauty: There are so many beautiful things in this world, but the most beautiful things come spiritually and your actions. You can have a pretty face but an ugly attitude. Looks aren't everything, because everyone is beautiful inside and out. The most beautiful person has a kind and beautiful heart and it results through one's actions. 3. Humor: I love silly humor. It's the best kind and it makes me laugh. We should all find humor in the little things in life. It's okay to be silly and laugh. As I've said before, I know there are times where we do need to be serious and mature, but that shouldn't be all the time. If we're too serious the...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 12

1. Fun: I love having fun! Life should be filled with joy and fun. The best kind of fun is spending time with family and friends; especially if they make me feel happy. Those are the best kind of people to be around. 2. My sister: She's my best friend. Since we're so close in age we have never had any trouble getting along. We support each other and help each other out. We give each other advice and help each other with any problems that we may have. I love my sister and I'm grateful for her! 3. Sunrise: They're always so beautiful, and they're also metaphorical for reaching the end of a trial or hard time. I remember last year when I was on my way to school one morning I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the mountains. It was amazing to see! I remember the sun will always rise, because light prevails over darkness.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 11

1. Hard Work: You don't get everything in life handed to you on a silver platter, you have to work hard for what you want because it will make you a better person. It won't be easy, but it will make you willing to work hard for future things. I'm grateful I've been taught this lesson in my life. I always want to work hard for what I want. 2. Success: It's like the finish line at the end of the road to what you desire and what you're working towards. I'm grateful for success because its ability to reward us for a job well done. If you work hard, then you will achieve success. 3. Team Work: It's a lot more fun to get a job done when working with other people; especially friends. When we work together we can accomplish anything. It's not as fun working alone on a job, it's more exciting working with friends. As long as they all do their fair share you can get so much done. I'm grateful to have been involved in shows where we all had to work ...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 10

1. Conversations: I love getting to know and talking to new people. Conversations with someone reveals who they are and what they want in life. Get to know someone before you judge them, sit down and have a conversation with them. I love conversations with family members because you can open up and tell them how you feel. Don't be afraid to do that. 2. Silly Jokes: They are one of my very favorite things in the world! I love the humor we can find in little things. To me puns are funny and they make me smile. I love going to Sunday dinner at my grandparents house and hearing my grandpa say one of his jokes. I love finding the humor in little things. 3. Sunshine: I love seeing the sunshine. It's a big mood booster when I start the day; if I'm having a bad day I look towards the sun. I find myself being happier from doing that. That's why summer is in my top favorite seasons. Don't take the sun for granted.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 9

1.  School: Even though there are times where it does stress me out, I love school. I have always loved it because I love learning. School helps you become a better person and you will be able to develop the skills necessary for a future career. I hope to become a teacher someday. 2. Learning: I love looking for new opportunities to learn. No matter where you are in life you are always learning; it is fun. Learning new things can be exciting and fun. You could develop a new hobby/talent from learning. Learning can open many doors for the future. 3. Creativity: It's fun to see people's ideas and watch them come to life. I love writing stories and creating my own original characters for those stories. Creativity isn't a waste of time, it's a life enhancing thing that can make so many people happy and inspire them to create ideas of their own. I'm forever grateful for creativity.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 8

  1.  Dreams: I'm grateful for dreams, and not just the ones you see in your sleep. The one's that you achieve while you're awake can be a little more magical. It's fun and exciting to have dreams. You have the power to make your dreams come true, because you can do anything. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams. 2. Goals:  They give us structure throughout the day and we can also plan what long term goals we want to achieve. Everyone has something that they want in life and we all work hard to get what we want. As long as it's not hurting anyone, go for it! 3. Opportunities: Life is full of opportunities. It's quite amazing! We should be going after opportunities everyday. They help us live life to the fullest and make the best memories. What opportunities are you searching for? Have a great week!

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 7

  I love Sundays. It is a chance for us to rejuvenate to get ready for the tasks we have this upcoming week. I love spending those Sundays by attending church with the wonderful people in my ward and spending time with my family. Sundays also help us reflect on what we're grateful for. Here are today's three things that I'm grateful for: 1. Summer: With the warm weather, swimming, and fireworks, etc.  Summer is a time of making memories and going on adventures. My favorite part of summer is spending time with my family, going to the Fourth of July celebrations, and going on long walks with my dog! Make the most of every day this summer! 2. The Arts: I've been a strong supporter of the arts my entire life. The arts help people express themselves in so many ways like singing, dancing, acting, writing, painting, etc. It is one of the most overlooked programs of all time; especially in schools. For many people, the arts is a safe environment where they can be themselves...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 6

    Happy Star Wars Day! I hope you are all having a fun day and May the Fourth be with you! I love Star Wars so I always look forward to today. Isn't it amazing how we look forward to days like today or other little things in our lives? That is something to be grateful for. Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1.  Writing: It gives me an opportunity to pour out what I'm feeling and to share stories. I love writing this blog and sharing what advice I have to help those who read it to stay positive and to share kindness with people around them. Writing is a great therapy tool to use when you're stressed out or feeling sad. I love writing. 2. Love: Showing your love to people around you is one of the best things you can do. It's not just about romance; it's about showing someone you care and accepting their flaws, because we all have them. Nobody's perfect. We all desire love and we should definitely share it with everyone we know. You can...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 5

     I'm grateful for so many things. It makes the world seem brighter and happier. Today's post is going to be about three more things I'm grateful for. These things have to do with happiness in some way: 1. Smiling: I'm grateful for smiling, it can help someone who is having a bad day. When someone smiles you can see them at their happiest. Smiling is such a beautiful thing we all take for granted; smile to make someone's day, smile to show someone you love them, smile because you're happy. 2. Disney: A year ago today I traveled to Disneyland with my family and it was the best week ever! I loved every minute of it, and I will continue to love Disney no matter how old I get. Disney is for all ages and gives you a sense of wonder. I love the happiness and magic as well.  One of the lessons that I love from Disney is that anything is possible. 3. Memories: We all have memories that are the stories of our lives and we create those stories. I love making memo...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 4

  I feel great today.  There is so much to be grateful for, and it makes the days seem better. Have you been taking time to ponder what you're grateful for? If so, what are you grateful for?   Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1. Theatre: It's one of my all time favorite things to do, and I plan on performing for the rest of my life. I love being onstage and telling a story and I love playing a character that gets to help tell the story. I hope one day I'll be able to do professional theatre, but until then I'll keep working hard to get to where I want to be. I love that theatre gives you an opportunity to work hard for what you want while learning knew things about yourself. 2. Life: I love life. I want to live every moment to the fullest; the older I get the more I appreciate life and I want to pass what I know down to my future family. One of my favorite lines from the movie Titanic is "Life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 3

   Taking the time to appreciate what I'm grateful for has been so much fun! It's great to appreciate what you have, even over the little things. Which is what I'm going to talk about in today's post. Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1. Movies: I love movies. They're a good way to witness an epic story being played out in front of you and will give you something to talk about after it's done. I love seeing how movies change the lives of those who watch them. My all time favorite kinds of movies are Disney! They have a certain magic about them because they make you feel like a kid again and give you a sense of wonder. 2. Adventures: I love traveling to new places and to places I've been. My favorite place to have an adventure at is Disneyland! I've been going there since I was four years old and have been going there ever since. I love the magic and happiness that is there. It gives you a sense of adventure, and makes it seem ...