21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 3

   Taking the time to appreciate what I'm grateful for has been so much fun! It's great to appreciate what you have, even over the little things. Which is what I'm going to talk about in today's post.

Here are today's three things I'm grateful for:

1. Movies: I love movies. They're a good way to witness an epic story being played out in front of you and will give you something to talk about after it's done. I love seeing how movies change the lives of those who watch them. My all time favorite kinds of movies are Disney! They have a certain magic about them because they make you feel like a kid again and give you a sense of wonder.

2. Adventures: I love traveling to new places and to places I've been. My favorite place to have an adventure at is Disneyland! I've been going there since I was four years old and have been going there ever since. I love the magic and happiness that is there. It gives you a sense of adventure, and makes it seem like anything is possible if you believe. Anything is an adventure if you make it one. You are the hero of your own adventure.

3. Laughter: We don't laugh enough these days, because we think we're supposed to be serious and hide our emotions; that is certainly not the case. We should be finding moments to laugh and joke around. We should express our happiness and what we think is funny. I know there's moments where we do need to be serious, but it shouldn't be all the time. I love sharing laughs with my family and friends, because that's how we make good memories.

Have a great day!


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