21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 15

1. Blessings: They provide comfort and motivation to help me with whatever I'm going through. I also know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me. That way I know that everything is going to be okay. I love getting those feelings of comfort.

2. Talents: Everyone has them, and it's so cool to see what everyone can do with their talents. I want to use my talents of writing and theatre to make people happy. Not everyone has the same talent and that's okay; that's what makes everyone beautiful and unique. Talents make the world a little bit brighter.

3. Listening to music: It helps time go faster and it helps me relax when I'm stressed out. The best feeling in the world is when my favorite song comes on the radio and I can sing it at the top of my lungs! That's one of my favorite things! I love getting lost in the music, because the song tells a story and it can influence how you feel. Music is very therapeutic, especially when you're having a stressful day.


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