21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 7

  I love Sundays. It is a chance for us to rejuvenate to get ready for the tasks we have this upcoming week. I love spending those Sundays by attending church with the wonderful people in my ward and spending time with my family. Sundays also help us reflect on what we're grateful for. Here are today's three things that I'm grateful for:

1. Summer: With the warm weather, swimming, and fireworks, etc.  Summer is a time of making memories and going on adventures. My favorite part of summer is spending time with my family, going to the Fourth of July celebrations, and going on long walks with my dog! Make the most of every day this summer!

2. The Arts: I've been a strong supporter of the arts my entire life. The arts help people express themselves in so many ways like singing, dancing, acting, writing, painting, etc. It is one of the most overlooked programs of all time; especially in schools. For many people, the arts is a safe environment where they can be themselves. We shouldn't overlook that in any way. Creativity is one of the most beautiful things anyone can have.

3. Kindness: I'm so grateful for kindness, it's a great thing to share with everyone you come across. There isn't enough kindness in the world and I believe we all have the power to change that. Kindness can be as simple as saying hello to someone who looks like their having a bad day or inviting someone to sit with you in class or if someone is eating alone. Everyone needs a friend. You never know how much you could be helping someone by showing kindness.

I hope you all have a great week! You are all amazing!


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