
Showing posts from 2018

Goodbye 2018!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic 2018 and that you will have an even better 2019. Here are some of my favorite moments from my adventures that I went on this year! I've met so many wonderful people and had some great opportunities as well. I'm so grateful for all that has happened this year. Adventures happened and dreams came true. I hope your dreams came true as well.

Be a Warrior

   One thing that I want to complete this new year is to be a warrior. Build yourself up and don't let anyone or anything tear you down. Leave what's holding you back in 2018 and move on. It's better to start fresh than go into the new year holding any grudges. Remember how powerful you are and you're value. If someone does you wrong, handle it in a healthy way. Cut off all contact with that person if it's come to that, because it's better to maintain boundaries than to be in heartache.  Know how to handle tough times like the warrior you are. Like the Sara Bareilles song says "I wanna see you be brave!"

Starting Over...

       With the new year coming up, a lot of people are thinking of making some changes or have goals they want to achieve. I definitely have some changes and goals in mind. It's always great to start off the new year with a clean slate, because it gives us an opportunity to start over. Have something in mind that you want to achieve. Maybe you are interested in pursuing a new hobby or want to develop a new skill. Spend time with people who make you happy and uplifted instead of down. What do you hope to gain for the new year? I'm excited for 2019 and all it's about to bring!

18 Things I Learned in 2018

   2018 definitely was a crazy and adventurous year. It was filled with so many exciting events, dreams came true, and I discovered more about who I am as a person and how I grew throughout this year. Here are a few of the things I've learned during the year: 1. Don't be scared to try new things. 2. You can do hard things. 3. Hard times help you grow. 4. If you're patient then a great opportunity will come along. 5. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. 6. Look for opportunities to expand your talents. 7. Never let anyone define your for your imperfections. 8. Cut anyone or anything that's causing you heartache. 9. Walk away from drama. 10. Your family members will be there for you during the hard times. 11. Remember your worth. 12. Live in the moment. 13. Never let anyone tell you that you don't deserve what you want. 14. There's always room for self improvement. 15. You're never to old to experience magical moments...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating this magical holiday!   I'm so grateful for the time my family and I spent together. Spending time with my family is one of top favorite parts of Christmas. Even though presents are great; the greatest thing is spending time with people you love. No one should want to spend Christmas alone. I'm grateful for a loving family who taught me the real reason why we celebrate Christmas and to never forget it.   Remember to have love in your heart and the world will seem wonderful and joyful. Merry Christmas.

Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday as you celebrate your traditions and spend time with family. One of the things I truly love about Christmas is the kindness we do for our neighbors and community. The holidays bring laughter and joy to all as we celebrate and spend time together. I love seeing the smiles on those who perform acts of kindness and those who receive it. Christmas just makes my heart full, because I remember the real reason for celebrating. Have a very Merry Christmas! ❤️

Story Time: The Reason For Celebrating

  In the midst of all the stress of getting things together for the holidays we often forget the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. We remember the birth of the Savior and what He has done and continues to do for this world.   This year my Mom, sister, and I went to Temple Square with some friends. While we were looking at the beautiful Christmas lights and seeing the glorious Salt Lake Temple; we decided to go see the Christus statue. I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and peace while we were looking at the statue of the Savior. I know that He loves us and wants to help us throughout our mortal life. I love moments where the Spirit can make itself known to us. This year I wanted to make Christmas about helping other people and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. It has helped me have peace and love among the stress that life can throw. I'm so grateful for that truth and I'm even more grateful that we are not alone even though the world can make it seem like w...

Story Time: Make Time For Family

    I'm so grateful for my family. The older I get the more I realize how important they are in my life. We always stick together through hard times and always manage to have laughs and fun whenever we are spending time with each other. I know that there are people out there who have family members that are estranged or have fallen away, and that breaks my heart; especially this time of year. Try to reach out to them; after all Christmas is about showing kindness to everyone. Today I went to the aquarium with my grandmother, aunt, and my cousins. We had so much fun having laughs and making memories. We looked at all the cool animals and we even got to hand feed them, it was a neat experience! It showed that no matter where we are, we can make lasting memories with family. Perfect thing to add to my winter break. Family is the best!

Story Time: Christmas Traditions

   Christmas is five days away! I'm so excited, because Christmas is one of my all time favorite holidays. One of my favorite parts of Christmas aside from doing kind things for other people participating in fun traditions!   Something that my family and I always do is have breakfast for dinner on Christmas Eve; most notably Denny's. This tradition started when my sister and I were little. We had just seen The Polar Express at the movie theater with our mom and grandparents and we were on our way home. As we were driving home, my sister said that she was hungry and the only place that was open that late was Denny's. Despite it being a cold and snowy winter, we agreed to stop at the restaurant. So we ended up having late night breakfast and we have been continuing on that tradition ever since. It's so heartwarming that this tradition has been continuing on for so long and I hope it will continue to do so.  What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?...

Love Everyone

       "Love someone exactly as they are." I just read this phrase this morning and I fell in love with it. That's a message that everyone should here; it shows compassion towards people. Love is something we all desire, and not just in a romantic way. We all want to be accepted for who we are, and it's our job to accept a person for who they are. That will strengthen a relationship with your friend, family member, etc. Life threatens to tear loved ones apart from each other, but we can build up a relationship by loving someone exactly as they are.   Don't let anyone prevent you from doing so. Find it in your heart to find that acceptance in your loved ones; it will make both you and them happy. ❤

Take Time to Heal

        Everyone needs time to heal. Especially when we experience heartbreak. Heartbreak can make it hard to trust and causes one to keep their guard up, and it's crucial that we find time to heal. Do whatever you need to help you heal; you know yourself better than anyone. Tell a trusted individual what you're going through and seek help. Talking about your problems is healthier than keeping it bottled up inside.   Another thing you can do is reduce what is causing your heartbreak and pain, and set boundaries if necessary. Think about your mental health and what you need to keep it healthy. Being healed mentally is just as important as being healed physically. If you find the time to heal and rejuvenate then you will see results. The person or thing causing your heartbreak won't be a problem anymore; they have no power over you. You have the power to be strong and to heal. Trust who ever is close to you, and remember the support system you have in your life. ...

Slow Down and Breathe

     One of the most important things you can do is to take care of yourself. We all have to deal with the stresses of everyday life and sometimes it can take a toll on us mentally. Because of this we need to remember to slow down, breathe, and take care of ourselves. Look for ways to help you relax and rejuvenate. Writing is something that helps me relax, because it's very therapeutic to write down your feelings in a journal and it will help reduce stress. I always feel happier after writing.      Remember to find something that helps you relax. With the stress of finals and preparing for the holidays, we need to remember to find time to slow down and breathe. It's good to want to get things done so that we won't have to worry about them, but it's important to remember to take a break in between. Relax and remember to love yourself

Dear Eighteen Year Old Self....

Dear Eighteen Year Old Self,   This is a time for you to make your own decisions, but take the advice of others as well. Listen to your mothers' advice. She wants to make sure that you're happy and she wants good things for you. Never forget who you are. You are a strong, beautiful, and talented girl who has so much to value to this world. It's okay to be your own person and not follow the trends of the world. Remember to be in the world and not of the world. Don't try so hard to fit in; the world would be so boring if we were all the same. Another thing to remember is to talk to your mother about anything, because that's why she's there; to protect you and help you along the way. Don't be afraid to tell her what you're feeling and what is going on in your life. You have so many wonderful and exciting things ahead so don't lose hope. Never lower your standards for anyone, because you deserve someone who treats you right and makes you feel beauti...

Be Your Best Self

     In today's world we often compare ourselves to other people based on looks, abilities, etc. What we really need to be doing is recognizing our own talents and what we have to offer the world. We all have our different strengths and weaknesses, but we can use those things to help other people who may be struggling; you could be helping someone who is struggling with a similar thing you may be struggling with.    What I want to tell you today is to be your best self. My mom taught me that when I was having some struggles. That phrase has stuck with me now at twenty-one years old. There is no one that can be myself than me. Don't compare yourself to others when you have so much to give to the world. Remember your talents and what makes you special. The world will try to tell you otherwise, but never let it come into your thoughts. Remember your own uniqueness and embrace it. Be you and no one else. Be your best self.

Learning from our Experiences

   As I've mentioned in the previous post, things happen that are out of our control. It can be a heartbreaking thing to experience and no one likes to fail, but we can learn from those experiences. Failure isn't meant to bring us down; it's meant to help us learn and grow. I'm so grateful for those learning experiences. They have helped me become a better person and have helped me move on to better things instead of dwelling on them. There have been moments where I'm wanting to give up, but then I wouldn't know joy. The bad times will end and the good times will prevail.

Strong Heart

             It's okay to feel blue and down; that shows that you have been strong for a long time. That shows that you're human. Since school is coming to an end I've been overwhelmed with preparing for finals, but then I remembered that some things are out of my control. That's one of the habits of being human, to try and control everything around us. This can take a toll on our emotions. Remember that it's okay to break down and cry, it's healthier than keeping your emotions bottled up. It's okay to talk to someone you trust so you can share your concerns. Keep your heart strong.

Don't Let Pain Get You Down

"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." -The Fault in Our Stars     In life we go through difficult trials, some of them almost painful. That doesn't make us any weaker; in fact it makes us stronger. We may think we aren't strong enough, but every one of us has a strength that we often take for granted. Sometimes I often find myself wishing things were easier and the rode was a smooth ride, but then we wouldn't know joy. We wouldn't build character and become better people. I know that trials are necessary for growth, and they help us become better people and provide us with a learning experience.   Sometimes things happen for the best and then we are led to something better. This can be a heartbreaking or painful experience; we can often question why it happens or what we could have done to stop it. As I've said, those experiences often lead to something better. Don't let pain take over your life.

Quote of the Day #26

         "Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want." -10 Things I Hate About You. 

You Are Powerful Part 3

       If anyone tries to tear you down or make you feel like you are less than; don't ever let them succeed. People do the terrible thing of trying to rise above someone to make them fear powerful, but you are more powerful. Be a warrior and rise above them. I know it feels scary, but you will be showing them that you will not be put down. You have so much worth and you deserve to be treated that way. There's a quote that states: "An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."  Be a strong and mighty ship that sails through the tough waters of life; there will be tough waves that will threaten to sink you and drag you down, but rise up and conquer the waves. -Stay strong

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

  Wow! Today is the two year anniversary of my blog! It's so exciting. Writing has been something that has always made me happy. That's why I decided to create this blog. I wanted to create inspiring thoughts and share quotes to make people happy and help uplift them.    I believe that we should use our skills to do an act of kindness no matter how small and simple it may be. There are so many opportunities to show kindness and to make someone's day. I'm so happy to share these thoughts through my writing; especially words to inspire.   Life is full of so many wonderful and beautiful things! We just need to look for them, and I believe that one of the ways to see those things is to smile and look for what makes you happy. I am grateful there are so many great things that make life exciting. I hope you have been inspired by my blog. Have a great week!


   I love being a creator, especially through music and writing! I love seeing what others have created and how it has shaped the lives of its readers, listeners, etc. Creating gives one the feeling of bringing ideas that they've had for so long into the world. Find a way to bring your idea into the world! What can your creation do to make someone happy? Creating can sometimes be taken for granted, because people don't realize the benefits that creating can bring. Most notably art/performing arts; it can boost one's confidence and help others to make friends. Don't take art for granted, you just might learn something from it.

Appreciating The World Around You

      Since General Conference I decided to take the challenge of fasting from social media for ten days, and so far it really opened my eyes to so many things. I cherish time with my family more and I appreciate the world around me. It also helped me stay positive and live in the moment. I believe that's one thing we forget to do sometimes.   "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."  -Ferris Bueller's Day Off   There are so many things to appreciate in life. Cherish time with your family, go to the park and look around. Life is meant to be experienced; we can't experience life through looking down at a phone screen. I'm not saying social media is bad, but it's good to take a break and live in the moment. I feel so happy during this break I'm taking. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything anymore. Be happy and live life to the fullest.

Strength Part 3

      Sometimes its okay to be sad. Without pain we wouldn't know joy. Don't ever let your emotions build up inside to the point of them exploding; it's not healthy. Talk to someone that you trust and vent about your situation, you'll be glad you did. The world may not seem bright right now but I promise that it will get better. Look for the bright things to help you get through what you're going through. It would be nice if things were easy all the time, but then we wouldn't have opportunities to build strength. As the old saying goes: "There's a light at the end of the tunnel."

Light Prevails

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." -Les Misérables     I know that we've all experienced darkness in life. It can seem like a dark hole that you can't get out of, but don't despair. The sun will always rise; light always prevails. Trials may seem like the end of the world, but in the end we will always come out stronger than before. I'm optimistic that something good will always come. You are stronger than your trial, you are more powerful, don't let it get you down. Be brave 💙

Always Have Hope

      After this General Conference weekend I have been feeling so happy. It has given me hope that there are still good people and things in this world. I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace that I haven't felt in a while because of the stress that life can bring at times. It showed me that Heavenly Father never forgets His children. What a wonderful thing to know! That is an amazing reason to have hope! We may feel like we are alone at times, but that is never the case because He is always there. This Conference increased my testimony and gave me the optimism that I needed.  When life gets you down; always remember to have hope. I know that life can be hard, but hope always prevails. I used to be afraid of the future, but now I'm excited for what it has in store; and you should too. Having something to look forward to can always be an uplifting thing. "There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright."

Find Love

       There's love in everything, not just in romance. We can find love all around us in interests and people. You can find love in a good book or your favorite song. There are moments where you can find love in an experience, a moment that you don't want to end and you'll cherish for the rest of your life. It's amazing how those experiences can have so much meaning in our lives, and that's what makes life beautiful. Cease all moments to find love in all your experiences.


     I'm grateful for dreams. They're so beautiful, especially when they come true. Never let go of your dreams because one day somehow they will come true. Life works in mysterious ways, I've had dreams happen that I didn't think would come true. That's one of the wonderful things about life; opportunities will come your way in order for what you desire to come true.       Hold onto your dream. Let it be your motivator to get you what you makes you happy. One of my favorite movies says this amazing quote: "Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want." I strongly agree with that. We all deserve to be happy and have our dreams come true. It's a beautiful thing when it comes true. Look for the opportunities to make your dream come true and get excited for when it happens. 💙

We Are Never Alone

   One of my favorite scriptures is found in John 14:18, it says "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you." this verse does give me so much comfort, especially when things get hard. I'm so grateful for this truth. He will never abandon us. He knows us and He loves us; we should never forget that. I know deep down in my very heart and soul that He wants us to be happy and will do all He can to help us if we let Him.  Let Him into your heart, have faith, and extraordinary things will happen.

FanX 2018!

 I had an awesome second year of going to FanX! Even though this was my second year of attending conventions, I have to say that this was the best! I had an epic time seeing all the amazingly talented cosplayers and meeting some cool people as well. I loved every minute of it and I can't wait for the next convention!  Enjoy the photos from this years convention!

Quote of the Day #25

"Turn your wounds into wisdom." -Zora Neale Hurston  

Keep Moving Forward Part 4

       As we begin a new month we need to remember to leave the past behind and to move on. This gives you a chance to have a fresh start, it's good to leave behind any toxic drama or people that are preventing you from growing as a person. Everyone is human. Everyone makes mistakes; forgive yourself, move on, and live your best life. Don't let anyone prevent you from living your best life. There are so many good things in store for you, just keep moving forward with your head held high. Be excited for those good things coming your way! "There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." -C.S. Lewis

Keep Moving Forward Part 3

  "When the devil keeps on asking you to look at your past, there must be something good in the future that he doesn't want you to see."       Everyone has moments of weakness, but we must find the strength to move on and never look back. Look to the good things that your future has in store. There have been moments where I've felt absolutely horrible for making a mistake, but then I remember that it does no good dwelling on the past when I have so much to look forward to.  Heavenly Father loves you so much and He wants you to be happy; He is waiting to help you. It does no good dwelling on the past, move on, and be happy. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, in fact you have everything to be happy about." -Elder M. Russell Ballard  This quote has gotten me through times where I've felt sad and lonely, but I remember that I have so much to be happy about and Heavenly Father loves me and He wants me to be happy. Never forget how much He value...

New Beginnings

      With school starting tomorrow, I hope to learn a lot and become a better person. I want to go on so many adventures and meet new people. I've been a little nervous, but then I realize that there's no reason to be. With a new school year; new opportunities come along. Thinking about that makes me so excited to make some memories and find those opportunities that are waiting for me! Think of writing a new book of your life; you are the author of your story. Look for opportunities to learn and make you a better person. Go out there and make some memories!

Love Part 2

      There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being kind and accepting towards others; the world needs more kindness and love. As I've mentioned previously, there are so many ways to show your love to everyone. Call up a relative that you don't normally talk to, ask what you can do to help in your community, listen to a friend who's having a bad day, and show an act of kindness when the opportunity comes along. I've seen amazing people in my life radiating with love for people around them, and that's beautiful to see. Those kind of people are a great example.    Love everyone; we are all worthy of being loved. We all have differences, and that's amazing. Differences are what makes the world interesting. Be open, loving and accepting. With school approaching; go out of your way to make a new friend, say hello to someone in the hall, or sit next to someone who isn't sitting with anyone. Spread kindness this school year.  "You will ne...


                               "I am fearless, I am bold, I am strong."   Walk with your head held high; show everyone that you are beautiful, bold, and confident. Make them wonder where your strength comes from. Don't let anyone tell you different or make you feel like you can't do anything you set your mind to. You are a warrior; be strong, be brave, and don't let anyone intimidate you. Show them that you deserve what you desire and don't let anything stop you from gaining that. Be happy and love yourself.

You are Powerful Part 2

    When things get hard and seem dark, never forget how powerful you are. You are stronger than you think. I know there are times where it seems like the world is trying to conquer us, but you can conquer the world. Step outside your comfort zone; do something that scares you. Conquer all that comes at you because you are a warrior. Never forget your individual worth.   There have been times were I've felt helpless and terrified, but then I remembered my individual worth and reminded myself that I'm powerful no matter how scared I may feel. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. The adversary will do all it can to watch you fall, but do not give it that chance. Don't let it make you feel like you are less than. With school coming up, walk into your first class of the day with your head held high. Make them notice your confidence; let them know that you will conquer the school year. You can do anything!

10 Ways to Empower Yourself

1. Have a daily affirmation to tell yourself. 2. Dress up for yourself. 3. Watch an inspiring video. 4. Look for all of the reasons to smile. 5. Remember your talents. 6. Never forget your self worth. 7. Stand up for what you believe in. 8. Love everything about yourself. 9. Show off your talents. 10. Never forget who you are. ❤

Quote of the Day #24

"Life is about right now in this very moment. Not tomorrow, not yesterday, but NOW. Live it!"

Beauty in Everyone Part 2

Nobody's perfect; everyone has flaws. It's our job to look past those flaws and love everyone for who they are. I go out of my way to get to know new people and love them. It makes me sad to see those sitting by themselves because others think they're "too weird" or "not cool enough".  I want you to know that you're beautiful and you're loved. No one deserves to be excluded because of their imperfections. See everyone's beauty and give them a chance to let it show. Everyone deserves to be loved.

Quote of the Day #23

"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect." -Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Strength Part 2

       "Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen in by use." -Ruth Gordon       I am grateful to have come across courageous people in my life.  That's the kind of strength that I aspire to have. There have been moments where I wasn't sure I was brave enough, but I know that courage can be strengthened and built. Heavenly Father can aid in our courage when we ask Him. I believe that He wants us to be strong when things get hard and He will do all He can to help us.  It breaks my heart to know that people use fear to intimidate others or make themselves feel superior; don't let them stand above you, rise above them with your courage. Don't let them get you down, because you are brave and powerful. Rise up from the ground and stand tall! I believe in you.

Enjoy Life and Make it Your Own!

      "It's time to trust my instincts close my eyes and leap!" -Wicked  This is my favorite quote from one of my favorite musicals! I believe that this quote can apply to us in our everyday life. Throughout life we are faced with big decisions and opportunities, and we need to rely on our instincts. It may seem scary at first, but listening to your instincts can be exhilarating. You will feel powerful! You are powerful and strong. Don't let anyone stand in your way!

Beauty In Everyone

      "Sometimes the heart sees what's invisible to the eye."  Too often we judge people based off of looks rather than seeing what's on the inside. I believe that there is beauty in how you treat others rather than appearance. We need to look with our heart instead of with our eyes; it breaks my heart to see those not get asked to a dance because of their looks.   I'm grateful that there are people who see beyond looks and see what's in the heart. We need more individuals like that. I believe that there is beauty in everyone; everyone is beautiful in there own way, but there is beauty in how you treat someone. "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul."


"Stay strong. Make them wonder how you're still smiling."     I truly admire those who go through a hard time with a smile on their face. That is the kind of strength that I strive to have when things get hard in my life. I know that it's hard to smile when things get hard, but with faith good things will come. Stay strong and smile through the hard times. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Have Faith

    "It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith." -Henry B. Eyring     Never let the world shake your faith; it will try to tell you the opposite of what you believe, but don't believe it for a second. Hold to your faith with all your strength and it will get you through anything life throws at you. He is always there and ready to help us when we need it. He works through our faith. I'm so grateful for the knowledge that has built me into the person that I am today. It has guided me through rough patches in my life and will continue to do so. Nothing will ever shake my faith. "Your faith will grow not by chance, but by choice." -Neil L. Andersen


     "Be the reason someone smiles today."  I believe that everyone could use a smile.  You have that opportunity to be the reason that someone smiles, and that is one of the greatest feelings to have! I love knowing that I've made someone happy. One of the things that I absolutely love is seeing people go out of there way to be kind; it's as simple as asking someone how their day is going, saying hello, or smiling at them. Actions like that are heartwarming to see. Spend the month of August being the reason that someone smiles! Here are my favorite ways to make someone smile: 1. Saying hello! 2. Giving someone a compliment. 3. Asking what I can do to help. 4. Talking to a friend/relative I haven't seen in a while. 5. Letting someone know that I love them. 6. Trying something new with a friend. 7. Smiling! 8. Sitting with someone who's lonely. 9. Taking action if someone needs help. 10. Having a light hearted conversation with someone who needs o...

Quote of the Day #23

    "A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part."

Quote of the Day #22

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt 

10 Things I Learned During The Month of July

  1. Keep your head up when things get hard.   2. Love everyone. We're all amazing!   3. Don't let the hard things get you down.   4. Have no regrets.   5. Live in the moment.   6. Heavenly Father is mindful of your desires.   7. Embrace your talents and continue perfecting them. You were blessed with your talents for a reason.   8.  Do all you can to avoid drama.   9.  Step outside your comfort zone.  10. Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened. 

My Love of Performing Part 2

"Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me." -ABBA I'm grateful for music. I'm grateful that it has a certain magic about it that brings people together and makes people happy. Music provides an escape for when the world seems less bright, it has gotten me through some rough spots in life. It has given me the confidence that I needed to get through a performance and the hard spot in my life. Music has brought so many amazingly talented people into my life that I'm grateful to have met.  Never take music for granted, because it will provide you opportunities and lessons that will help you throughout life.

10 Things I Can't Live Without

Family Friends Theatre Singing Laughter Love Books Smiling Movies Adventure!

Top 10 Favorite Musicals

Hairspray Mamma Mia! The Secret Garden Footloose The Little Mermaid Wicked The Phantom of the Opera Fiddler on the Roof Grease Hello Dolly!


      Love is more than just romance, it's showing everyone around you that you care. Expressing your love towards those you care about and come across can help make this world a better place.  I've seen many examples of love in my life; like having a conversation with a relative or friend you haven't talked to in a while. Showing love can be as simple as a smile or hello. This world could use a lot more love. Love is looking past another person's flaws and seeing them for who they are. No one is perfect, and we all should accept the fact. I believe that the world would be a better place if we all accepted everyone.  I make it my mission to accept and love everyone I come across. Not only does it make the person happy, but it makes me happy as well. I want to spread kindness to all, no matter what their flaws may be. I'm grateful to have people in my life that have shown me what love is. ❤

Quote of the Day #21

           "Let our hands be stretched out in compassion towards others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path," -Dieter F. Uchtdorf


      These past few months, I've learned more lessons about being compassionate. I was just in a show that taught this lesson. I've had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful and talented people. I thought of the cast as my second family. Show compassion for those who need it and show kindness to everyone. We're all different, and that's a good thing. Being compassionate is something that really makes me happy. Knowing that I've made someone happy is a great feeling.  Compassion is a simple act of kindness that everyone should show. 

You are Powerful

        I know that there have been times where the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away, but don't despair. Whatever you're currently going through; keep your head up because you are powerful. Don't listen to the adversary telling you otherwise. One of my favorite quotes from Winnie the Pooh says "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."   I believe in you. I know that you can get through your trial with your head held high. The world throws a lot at us, but things will get better with time. Seek out support, talk to a friend, or talk to your family; they are there for you and want to help you. You are powerful ❤

Dream Big!

"You have to dream big to be big." -Hairspray      I know people out there have a dream or something that they want to achieve, and that is amazing! If you have a dream, then you should go for it. Don't let anyone get in your way and tell you that you can't do what you want to do. I am grateful to have the support of my family and friends in all I do and want to achieve; it's nice to know that they support my dreams. Get others excited about your dreams! Live life the way you want to and dream big!

Take Time to Listen

          One of the most important things you can do is show your love to someone. You never know who might need someone to talk to, so take the opportunity to make a new friend and make someone happy. I had the opportunity to make someone happy by just asking them how their day was, and that ended up being a full conversation. I felt so happy that I made a new friend and made their day.         So take the time to be a listening ear to someone who needs one. It can be the simplest thing by having a conversation and asking them how their day was. You will be making their day.

Keep Moving Forward Part 2

    "Tomorrow, when you are a beautiful butterfly, it will be hard to remember your days as a caterpillar."      I love this analogy. Every one of us starts off as caterpillars, but then we grow into beautiful butterflies! I know when it may seem like we aren't progressing, just remember that you are still growing into the butterfly that you are destined to become. Don't let your past mistakes define you, it will prevent you from welcoming new opportunities and learning. Let go of the past and keep moving forward. You will become a whole new person by changing what you need to change and letting go of what needs to be let go.

Advice to My Younger Self Part 2

        Keep your head held high! Go on adventures and try something new. It may be scary at first, but everything will work out in the end. Remember that not everything will be easy. Always have high standards and remember who you are. Keep being kind to everyone around you, you never know who might need it. Heavenly Father is on your side along with your family and everyone who loves you. Don't ever doubt any of that. You have so many things to be happy about! Let your light shine bright to everyone around you! Live your life with a smile on your face. Be you and no one else.💗

Take the Time to Appreciate

    Do you remember being a little kid playing outside with friends and not having a care in the world? There are times where I miss those moments. Life is moving so fast, and we need to remember to sit down and appreciate the moments around us. I still remember my old childhood home and I can recall running around in the backyard; and playing on the trampoline with my sister. When I think about those moments; I smile. I appreciate all the moments from my childhood.     If you're in a hurry to grow up, don't hurry; take the time to appreciate everything around you. Soon they will pass in the blink of an eye. If you take the time to look around, then you will be more appreciative for what you have. Live in the moment and be happy!

Be You and Shine Bright

         Every one of us has a light that we need to shine. It's what makes each of us unique, and that's beautiful. I look around at some of the people in my life and see their light and what they do to bring it forth. Don't let anyone make you suppress your light, embrace it and shine bright. Wouldn't it be boring if everyone acted the same? Make your light known to everyone you see and do kind deeds to make it shine. You will not only benefit the person you are serving, but you will also benefit yourself as well; this will help your light shine. Be you and shine bright! ⭐

10 Things I'm Grateful For

Heavenly Father My family Music Theatre Books My friends Movies Laughter Happiness Adventure!  Writing down things that you're grateful for can do wonders for your mood. It will help you realize all the good things you have in your life, and you'll be more appreciative. When the world seems like a dark place, take the time to think of all the good things you have. It will make the world seem more bright. I hope that will help. Have a great day!

Have Fun and Be Happy!

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -E.E. Cummings I believe that we have become too serious. We don't take time to laugh and have fun! I know there's times where we need to be mature, but there's times to laugh. Laughter makes one happy and it's infectious. My favorite kind of laughter. We should cherish laughter, not force it away. Have fun and be happy!

Hello Summer!

    Hello Summer! 😎   It's always fun to spend time with friends and family going swimming, watching fireworks, and going to outdoor concerts! One thing that I really love about summer is the opportunity we get to try new things and make new memories. Go on an adventure this summer, learn a new hobby, make a new friend, do something kind! There's so many options. Make this the best summer ever! Have fun!

Advice to My High School Self

    You're at a turning point in your life where you will have to make important decisions. Don’t be so fearful of the future, good things will come to those who wait and be patient. Listen to your parents' advice. They want what’s best for you. They want you to be happy. Don’t care so much about what other people think. Keep to your values. You will meet someone who loves you and will put Heavenly Father first.    Don’t be so hard on yourself, there’s always room for improvement. No one is perfect. There are so many good things in store for you. Amazing opportunities and people will come into your life. You deserve good things. Keep being you and do what you're supposed to do.

Quote of the Day #20

   "If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore." - Michele Ruiz

You Can Always Find Peace

"Peace can come to all who earnestly seek the Prince of Peace," -President Russell M. Nelson  I'm so grateful for this truth. There have been times where I've felt overwhelmed and down, but I know that He is always there. He has lifted me up when things got hard. We can always find peace because of Him. We are never alone. If you are feeling sad, turn to Him. He is waiting to help you, just ask. My heart is full knowing that He is always there. ❤

Unexpected Moments

  For me, the best kind of moments are the unexpected ones. They can become favorite memories or lifelong friends. I still remember meeting some of the people that I love through unexpected moments. I'm grateful for the positivity that came through these moments. Don't take them for granted. I never consider unexpected moments as coincidental, I believe that they happen for a reason. Unexpected moments make life more exciting!

Quote of the Day #19

"You must have the passion, strength, and belief that you can become anything." -Misty Copeland

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mother! Thank you for all you do and for always being there for me. I look up to you. I'm so grateful to have an amazing mother like you! One thing that she has taught me is to be your best self. I've taken that and applied it to my everyday life. I don't know where I would be without my mother. ❤ 

Look For the Beauty in Others

"If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it." -Ruthie Lindsey     We tend to judge before we get to know them and it can bring out the worst in us. There is not enough kindness in the world and I believe that we can all work together to change that.  Showing kindness towards others doesn't always have to be a big thing; it can be just as simple as a smile or saying hello. You never know who could really need that.   Look for the beauty in others. Everyone has something beautiful in them. Point it out when you see it, your kindness will be so apparent in the one who sees it. Try your best to do a simple kind deed each day. This will benefit you and the person you're serving. Have a great day! ❤  

My Love of Performing

 "I just try to approach every opportunity on stage as if it's my first time and my last time." -Misty Copeland      I love performing theatre/music. I have been doing it since I was little and will continue it forever.  One thing that people don't often understand is how valuable theatre can be. It teaches important lessons that you can use in everyday life, builds confidence, and it tells you stories. Theatre will make you feel what it wants you to feel in the story it's trying to tell. Telling a story is my favorite part of being in theatre. When I get up on stage I give it my all to make the audience feel something so that they'll walk out of the auditorium feeling happy. Give theatre a chance, let it teach you something. ❤

The Happiest Place on Earth!

I had the most wonderful and exciting time going to Disneyland this week! I loved experiencing the magic and adventure with my family. No matter how old you get, you can still experience the magic because there is always something for everyone. I would go back in a heartbeat. Disneyland truly is the happiest place on Earth! Enjoy the video of some of my favorite moments from my adventure!

Do Your Best Everyday

  As we are approaching the end of the semester, I know there's bound to be stress involved. I know I've been stressed, but then I remembered something I learned while in my Institute class: "I may not be perfect, but I get credit for trying." this is a time to learn, progress, and grow. This applies to everyday life, do your best everyday. Make it your day. Motivate yourself. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do. This is your time to shine! Good luck and have a great week!

Quote of the Day #18

"Put blinders onto those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own head." -Meryl Streep

Quote of the Day #17

"The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote of the Day #16

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." -Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Steer Clear of the Adversary

"Satan will try to use our memory of any previous guilt to lure us back into his influence. We must be ever vigilant to avoid his enticements." -Richard G. Scott As we make our journey through life, the adversary will try its hardest to prevent us from progressing and improving. Don't let it get to you. As I've mentioned before, we need to keep moving forward and live in the present. We do need to learn from our mistakes, but we shouldn't let them prevent us from improving and making good choices.

Quote of the Day #15

"When the tides of life turn against you and the current upsets your boat. Don't waste those tears on what might have been. Just lie on your back and float."

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Easter Sunday! I still love the chocolate eggs and the cute Easter bunnies! Spring is such a wonderful season, it's a time for new beginnings; after the cold winter we see beautiful flowers bloom and cute baby animals are born. It's a beautiful time!   Easter was also a time for new beginnings for all of us.I'm so grateful that we have the opportunity to remember the Savior and his sacrifice that He did for us all. It makes me so happy knowing that He went through all of that because He loves us. I'm grateful for His Atonement. Because of Him we can have new beginnings. This knowledge makes my heart so full. Have a wonderful day!

Quote of the Day #14

"The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it." -Thomas S. Monson

Faith Conquers All

Sunday is my favorite day! I love the fact that we can have a day to refresh and rejuvenate for the upcoming week; especially when we have a stressful time at school/work.  There have been times where I have doubted myself and was overwhelmed with stress, but then I remember that through faith I can get through anything. We can all get through anything with faith. It conquers everything. Have a wonderful and positive week!

You're Amazing

Don't ever let anyone make you feel ashamed for being yourself or doing what you love. Unfortunately we live in a world where people don't always appreciate others. That's a tough thing to know, but we can't let it bother us. I know that you are stronger than that; because you are amazing. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.  As we go into a new week, build someone up. This will increase their strength as well as yours. We need more kindness in this world. Have a great week! Matthew 5:44

10 Ways to Show Your Love

One of the greatest things about this world is love, not just with relationships. There are many ways to show someone you love them. Call someone just to see how they're doing Invite someone to sit with you at work/school Get to know someone better Compliment someone Share the things you like with your friends; discover what they like as well Find out what you can do to help in your community Be a good listening ear for a friend/family member in need Give advice Be humble Be encouraging

Keep Moving Forward

  The natural human instinct in us is to look at the past, and end up dwelling on it. Looking back on the past distracts us from the present, it prevents us from growing and progressing. Looking back on past mistakes can often have a negative impact on our self esteem.  However, it is nice to look back on memories that we've made, but we need to live in the present. Live in the moment with the people you love and make new friends. Say hello to someone at school or work, pay someone a compliment, or do a kind deed.  "Nobody's perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up. Learn from our mistakes and move on!"

Be Brave

"Know that deep inside, you are resilient, brave and so much stronger and more powerful than your fears."    Every single one of us has a strength that makes us the people we are.  Don't let your fears get the best of you, show them that you are stronger and courageous. The world can be a cruel place that wants to suppress that strength. Don't let anyone suppress your strength. Conquer the world and be the amazing person that you are. Be strong, be bold, be you.

Learn Through What You Love

As someone who loves theatre. I always look for the messages that it shares. In the musical Dear Evan Hansen, they tell us "you will be found," and "no one deserves to disappear." that is so true. No one deserves to disappear. There is always someone there to help us through the dark times in life. No one is truly alone. You have so many people around you. It's amazing what we can find through the things we love. Find the lesson through the things you love. What you find will be extraordinary.

Embrace Who You Are

"I am brave. I am bruised. This is who I'm meant to be. This is me." -The Greatest Showman   This was one of my favorite quotes from The Greatest Showman, it showed off the positive message of embracing who you are and not caring what other people think. That's what made the film so amazing! I loved the fact that it focused on that message. We need to embrace ourselves and others for differences instead of cutting them down. You'll be making someone happy.

Happy Sunday!

"God never loses sight of our eternal potential, even when we do."  I love days like today, when we can rest, rejuvenate, and prepare for what we have for this week. I love the peaceful reminders we get to tell us that we are important and we can do whatever we set our minds to. If we are sad and forget our potential; we have someone that sees our eternal potential. We are never alone.   Remember as we go into this new week: you are beautiful, you are amazing, be you ❤

Quote of the Day #13

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." -Thomas S. Monson

Hello 2018!!

Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying your first day of 2018! 2017 was a great year, but I have a feeling that this year will be even better. This will be a new chapter to create an adventurous story for our lives. What are your New Years resolutions? What are you looking forward to this year? As the year begins, remember to live in the moment, do what makes you happy, and try something new. Have a great day!