
Showing posts from 2019

What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because we get to celebrate what we're thankful for. Too often we are caught up in what we don't have instead of what we do have. It makes me happy when people appreciate what they're thankful for; that's the best part of celebrating Thanksgiving. When we have a thankful heart we tend to be happier and have a positive attitude. So when you sit down to dinner tomorrow, remember the things that you're thankful for and cherish them.

Top 10 Date Ideas

1. A walk in the park 2. Visit a popular site in your city 3. Try a new restaurant 4. Do something spontaneous 5. Go to the library and pick each other out a book to read 6. Introduce them to one of your favorite hobbies 7. Go to a concert 8. Visit an arcade 9. Go to a soda shop 10. Have a movie marathon

Take Your Chance

    There's an old saying that says "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." I believe that phrase. Sometimes people like to tell us that we can't do what we dream of; believe me I've had moments like that. I know that we can defy people's expectations and surprise people who try to keep us from achieving our dreams. You live your own life and do what makes you happy. Work hard for what you want, and don't let anyone stop you or tell you otherwise; because you can do anything.

Falling in Love Everyday

  We fall in love everyday, and not just with people. We fall in love with our surroundings, hobbies, etc. I look for opportunities to fall in love and be joyful in my circumstances. For example, when I perform I fall in love with the show and the performance. I fall in love with the story I'm telling because it's making people happy. I love anything that has to do with changing people's lives and making them happy. I'm also in love with helping people; it doesn't hurt to be kind. What is something you fall in love with?

There's Something For Us

 Have you ever heard the saying everything happens for a reason? Sometimes it's hard to believe, but it really is true. Heavenly Father always has something in mind for us and He knows what we need. What we think we need isn't always the case. I know that there's something for each of us. It will come at the right time; waiting for it can be frustrating, but as the old saying goes "Good things come to those who wait." it's a test of patience, but it will all be worth it.


   The other day I found a quote that said "When you're in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you've been buried. Perhaps you've been planted. Bloom." this is a good metaphor for getting through hard times in life. We have all had our struggles and we tend to think that all hope is lost, but it's not. Hope is never lost. When plants grow they become beautiful as they bloom. Things will get better and your trial is not here to stay, it will pass. Sometimes we need to get through things in order to bloom into the better person we can be. We are never alone; you are never alone. The sun will shine on you and help you grow and bloom.

Things I've Learned This Summer

1. Stand up for yourself. 2. Things always happen for a reason. 3. Love yourself. 4. The best way to conquer an "enemy" is to be kind back. 5. Make time for yourself. 6. Step outside your comfort zone. 7. Listen to yourself. You know yourself better than anyone. 8. Try new things. 9. Accept the things you cannot change. 10. Show your love to everyone around you.

I'm Back!

      It's been a while since I've posted, and I've missed it so much! Summer has been crazy and I am thankful that I've been able to spend it with awesome people. Live in the moment and spend time with the people you love. Look for opportunities to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.    One of the most important lessons I've learned this summer is to stand up for yourself and face what scares you. People can be mean and they will try to walk over you, but I didn't let that happen. It can seem scary at first, but you'll feel like a warrior after you've conquered the person/thing/situation that is making you scared. Create habits for yourself that help you overcome anxiety and manage it. I like to write in a journal, read my favorite book, and watch my favorite movie. Doing those things always makes me happy.   What has been your favorite experience this summer? Are you excited for what autumn has to offer? I know I'm excited for f...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 18

1. Sunsets: They're absolutely breathtaking! It's one of Heavenly Father's beautiful creations that help us appreciate how beautiful this world is! 2. Spring Time: It's a season of new beginnings. Flowers begin to bloom and animals are born, and life is beautiful! This season can be a symbol of new beginnings for all of us to help us make the changes necessary to help us become better people. 3. Summer Nights: They are another beautiful thing. It's full of life and adventures, which is one of my favorite parts about summer.  I hope to go on lots of adventures and make new memories.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 17

1. Hope: It has gotten me through the hard times in my life and it has helped me to stay positive when the world seems less bright. We should all inspire to have hope. It is one of the biggest lifelines we can have. 2. Positivity: It's one of my favorite things ever! Even when I'm going through a tough time I try my hardest to stay positive. We should all strive to have positivity. We can show it towards those who are going through a tough time. There is too much negativity in the world, and it would be a better place if we all treated each other with respect. 3. Kind Words: Isn't it amazing how good kind words can make us feel? It makes me feel better when I'm having a bad day. I try to show that towards everyone I know or who I'm currently getting to know. In the movie Cinderella, there's a quote that says "Have courage and be kind." it has stuck with me since I saw the movie. Being kind will help us get through the hardest times or if you are ha...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 16

1. New friends: Meeting new people is one of my top favorite things; especially when it leads to a friendship. I love seeing what people want to accomplish in life and sharing mine with them. New friends always come at the right time. 2. Imagination: It's another things we take for granted, we have become too serious and literal. Having an imagination is a wonderful thing and it can bring your ideas to life. A lot of great people like Walt Disney had an excellent imagination and brought a whole magical world to life. Stan Lee brought a universe to life that is loved by all. I admire all of those people. 3. Car rides: I love going on car rides; even if we're not going anywhere. I love going on these kinds of car rides with my family and friends. We just talk about life and what we're feeling. It feels like going on an adventure for a few minutes.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 15

1. Blessings: They provide comfort and motivation to help me with whatever I'm going through. I also know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me. That way I know that everything is going to be okay. I love getting those feelings of comfort. 2. Talents: Everyone has them, and it's so cool to see what everyone can do with their talents. I want to use my talents of writing and theatre to make people happy. Not everyone has the same talent and that's okay; that's what makes everyone beautiful and unique. Talents make the world a little bit brighter. 3. Listening to music: It helps time go faster and it helps me relax when I'm stressed out. The best feeling in the world is when my favorite song comes on the radio and I can sing it at the top of my lungs! That's one of my favorite things! I love getting lost in the music, because the song tells a story and it can influence how you feel. Music is very therapeutic, especially when you're having a stressful d...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 14

1. My mother: She is the most amazing mother in the universe! She is the strongest person I know and I aspire to be that kind of person. I look up to her. I'm grateful for her support and love. She has always taught me to be my best self. She has been my rock and my shoulder to cry on and my confidant. I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 13

1. My grandma: She's always there for me, she is my friend. She tells great stories and gives great advice. I'm so grateful to have come from a family with great women I can look up to. I enjoy going on outings with her and having great conversations with her. I'm grateful to have wonderful family members. 2. Beauty: There are so many beautiful things in this world, but the most beautiful things come spiritually and your actions. You can have a pretty face but an ugly attitude. Looks aren't everything, because everyone is beautiful inside and out. The most beautiful person has a kind and beautiful heart and it results through one's actions. 3. Humor: I love silly humor. It's the best kind and it makes me laugh. We should all find humor in the little things in life. It's okay to be silly and laugh. As I've said before, I know there are times where we do need to be serious and mature, but that shouldn't be all the time. If we're too serious the...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 12

1. Fun: I love having fun! Life should be filled with joy and fun. The best kind of fun is spending time with family and friends; especially if they make me feel happy. Those are the best kind of people to be around. 2. My sister: She's my best friend. Since we're so close in age we have never had any trouble getting along. We support each other and help each other out. We give each other advice and help each other with any problems that we may have. I love my sister and I'm grateful for her! 3. Sunrise: They're always so beautiful, and they're also metaphorical for reaching the end of a trial or hard time. I remember last year when I was on my way to school one morning I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the mountains. It was amazing to see! I remember the sun will always rise, because light prevails over darkness.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 11

1. Hard Work: You don't get everything in life handed to you on a silver platter, you have to work hard for what you want because it will make you a better person. It won't be easy, but it will make you willing to work hard for future things. I'm grateful I've been taught this lesson in my life. I always want to work hard for what I want. 2. Success: It's like the finish line at the end of the road to what you desire and what you're working towards. I'm grateful for success because its ability to reward us for a job well done. If you work hard, then you will achieve success. 3. Team Work: It's a lot more fun to get a job done when working with other people; especially friends. When we work together we can accomplish anything. It's not as fun working alone on a job, it's more exciting working with friends. As long as they all do their fair share you can get so much done. I'm grateful to have been involved in shows where we all had to work ...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 10

1. Conversations: I love getting to know and talking to new people. Conversations with someone reveals who they are and what they want in life. Get to know someone before you judge them, sit down and have a conversation with them. I love conversations with family members because you can open up and tell them how you feel. Don't be afraid to do that. 2. Silly Jokes: They are one of my very favorite things in the world! I love the humor we can find in little things. To me puns are funny and they make me smile. I love going to Sunday dinner at my grandparents house and hearing my grandpa say one of his jokes. I love finding the humor in little things. 3. Sunshine: I love seeing the sunshine. It's a big mood booster when I start the day; if I'm having a bad day I look towards the sun. I find myself being happier from doing that. That's why summer is in my top favorite seasons. Don't take the sun for granted.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 9

1.  School: Even though there are times where it does stress me out, I love school. I have always loved it because I love learning. School helps you become a better person and you will be able to develop the skills necessary for a future career. I hope to become a teacher someday. 2. Learning: I love looking for new opportunities to learn. No matter where you are in life you are always learning; it is fun. Learning new things can be exciting and fun. You could develop a new hobby/talent from learning. Learning can open many doors for the future. 3. Creativity: It's fun to see people's ideas and watch them come to life. I love writing stories and creating my own original characters for those stories. Creativity isn't a waste of time, it's a life enhancing thing that can make so many people happy and inspire them to create ideas of their own. I'm forever grateful for creativity.

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 8

  1.  Dreams: I'm grateful for dreams, and not just the ones you see in your sleep. The one's that you achieve while you're awake can be a little more magical. It's fun and exciting to have dreams. You have the power to make your dreams come true, because you can do anything. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams. 2. Goals:  They give us structure throughout the day and we can also plan what long term goals we want to achieve. Everyone has something that they want in life and we all work hard to get what we want. As long as it's not hurting anyone, go for it! 3. Opportunities: Life is full of opportunities. It's quite amazing! We should be going after opportunities everyday. They help us live life to the fullest and make the best memories. What opportunities are you searching for? Have a great week!

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 7

  I love Sundays. It is a chance for us to rejuvenate to get ready for the tasks we have this upcoming week. I love spending those Sundays by attending church with the wonderful people in my ward and spending time with my family. Sundays also help us reflect on what we're grateful for. Here are today's three things that I'm grateful for: 1. Summer: With the warm weather, swimming, and fireworks, etc.  Summer is a time of making memories and going on adventures. My favorite part of summer is spending time with my family, going to the Fourth of July celebrations, and going on long walks with my dog! Make the most of every day this summer! 2. The Arts: I've been a strong supporter of the arts my entire life. The arts help people express themselves in so many ways like singing, dancing, acting, writing, painting, etc. It is one of the most overlooked programs of all time; especially in schools. For many people, the arts is a safe environment where they can be themselves...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 6

    Happy Star Wars Day! I hope you are all having a fun day and May the Fourth be with you! I love Star Wars so I always look forward to today. Isn't it amazing how we look forward to days like today or other little things in our lives? That is something to be grateful for. Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1.  Writing: It gives me an opportunity to pour out what I'm feeling and to share stories. I love writing this blog and sharing what advice I have to help those who read it to stay positive and to share kindness with people around them. Writing is a great therapy tool to use when you're stressed out or feeling sad. I love writing. 2. Love: Showing your love to people around you is one of the best things you can do. It's not just about romance; it's about showing someone you care and accepting their flaws, because we all have them. Nobody's perfect. We all desire love and we should definitely share it with everyone we know. You can...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 5

     I'm grateful for so many things. It makes the world seem brighter and happier. Today's post is going to be about three more things I'm grateful for. These things have to do with happiness in some way: 1. Smiling: I'm grateful for smiling, it can help someone who is having a bad day. When someone smiles you can see them at their happiest. Smiling is such a beautiful thing we all take for granted; smile to make someone's day, smile to show someone you love them, smile because you're happy. 2. Disney: A year ago today I traveled to Disneyland with my family and it was the best week ever! I loved every minute of it, and I will continue to love Disney no matter how old I get. Disney is for all ages and gives you a sense of wonder. I love the happiness and magic as well.  One of the lessons that I love from Disney is that anything is possible. 3. Memories: We all have memories that are the stories of our lives and we create those stories. I love making memo...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 4

  I feel great today.  There is so much to be grateful for, and it makes the days seem better. Have you been taking time to ponder what you're grateful for? If so, what are you grateful for?   Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1. Theatre: It's one of my all time favorite things to do, and I plan on performing for the rest of my life. I love being onstage and telling a story and I love playing a character that gets to help tell the story. I hope one day I'll be able to do professional theatre, but until then I'll keep working hard to get to where I want to be. I love that theatre gives you an opportunity to work hard for what you want while learning knew things about yourself. 2. Life: I love life. I want to live every moment to the fullest; the older I get the more I appreciate life and I want to pass what I know down to my future family. One of my favorite lines from the movie Titanic is "Life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 3

   Taking the time to appreciate what I'm grateful for has been so much fun! It's great to appreciate what you have, even over the little things. Which is what I'm going to talk about in today's post. Here are today's three things I'm grateful for: 1. Movies: I love movies. They're a good way to witness an epic story being played out in front of you and will give you something to talk about after it's done. I love seeing how movies change the lives of those who watch them. My all time favorite kinds of movies are Disney! They have a certain magic about them because they make you feel like a kid again and give you a sense of wonder. 2. Adventures: I love traveling to new places and to places I've been. My favorite place to have an adventure at is Disneyland! I've been going there since I was four years old and have been going there ever since. I love the magic and happiness that is there. It gives you a sense of adventure, and makes it seem ...

21 Days of Gratefulness: Day 2

       Pondering what I'm grateful for has helped me see there is still hope in the world and there is so much to be grateful for. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we tend to wish for what we don't have instead of what we don't have. Remember what you have in the present moment. To start the day, I will share three more things I'm grateful for: 1. Books: My favorite thing to do is read. I've been obsessed with books my entire life, I have enough books to open my own library! Whenever I'm going through a hard time or if I'm feeling stressed out I pick up my favorite book and I begin to read. They take me into a different world for a while and show me the adventure that is in its pages. My favorite genre of books are fantasy, action, romance, and anything that's about dogs! 2. My puppy: I've had my silver lab named Luke for a year and it will be two years this summer. He always makes me smile and laugh. I love taking him on adventures and wa...

What Are You Grateful For Today?

     I decided to spend the next twenty one days pondering and appreciating the things I'm grateful for. At times we get caught up on wishing for the things we don't have instead of appreciating what we do have in the present moment. I sat down this morning pondering the things I'm grateful for and what make me happy. Today I'll share with you three things I'm grateful for: 1. My family: We have always stuck by each other through the good times and the bad times. I'm so grateful for their love and support. I know they'll always have my back. 2. Music: I have been involved in music since I was six years old and have been continuing it ever since. Music can have a great influence over one who listens or views a performance. Performing makes me happy and I want to make people happy with music and bring them together. 3. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ: I have never been more grateful for two extraordinary people in my entire life. My love and testimony o...

You Can Do Hard Things

   With the school year/semester coming to an end we are all probably burnt out from all the hard work we had to do, but we should be celebrating! You have accomplished so much and have come so far. You can do hard things. They can seem scary at first, but once you've accomplished those things then you'll feel like a warrior; because you are a warrior. See how far you've come throughout this school year/semester. What have you learned about yourself? What talents do you possess? What have you done to improve yourself as a person?   Everyone can do hard things. There's an age old saying that goes "Things happen for a reason." that phrase is one hundred percent true. Good or bad, things happen for a reason. They will help you learn and become a better person. Things will get better. Stay positive and be happy!

FanX 2019!

I had the opportunity to attend my third convention! It was absolutely amazing! I met so many cool people and saw some out of this world cosplays. Seeing people express themselves was so cool to witness, that's what makes me love going to conventions.  Enjoy the compilation I made of my experience!

Finding Peace

   One of my favorite things that I've learned is you can always find peace; no matter what your circumstance may be. Finding peace can be the one of the many important things we can do. This morning I took a minute and read my scriptures, and after I was done I felt at peace. I was ready to take on the agenda I had today. I felt optimistic. What do you do to find peace?     With the busy lifestyles we all tend to live, it can be hard to find time for ourselves to find that peace we all desire. If you're having a stressful day, set limits. Take 10-15 minute breaks, meditate, take a deep breath, and remember to take it little by little and not all at once. You will be doing your physical and mental health a favor. You can find peace whenever you need it. You are beautiful and you are loved.

You are Loved

    There are moments in life where we feel unloved, but I want to tell you that you're loved. Let people express their love for you. There have been times where I've felt lonely and sad, but then I see that there are so many people in my life who make me feel loved. Everyone desires to be loved, and we deserve to be loved. It makes me sad that there are people who would rather be feared than loved. I believe that love is more pleasant and happy than fear. Happiness and love eliminates fear.   Love everyone. Don't tear people down, lift them up.

Be Good To Yourself

   "Take the time today to be good to you, in thoughts, deeds, and actions, but especially in your thoughts."  Our minds are so powerful that we can do anything we desire, but our minds are so powerful that when we think negatively about ourselves we can convince ourselves that we are less than we are. Don't let yourself think badly about you, because being yourself is the best you can be. If you catch yourself drifting towards those thoughts, then find something to do that will get your mind off those negative thoughts. One effective way is writing. It's a great way to reduce stress and your problems won't seem that big anymore. Have a treat yourself day; put on your favorite movie or go spend time with friends. Do something that makes you happy. This will help you forget your stress for a minute. I know we all like to forget our stresses just for a minute. Be good to yourself.

Spending Time With Good People

   The people you spend time with people who make you happy can be a serious mood booster. I know that I love spending time with people who make me happy. Life can often present us with stressful situations, but its nice to spend time with people who seem to take those stresses away. Those are the kind of people who make life better. Be that person for someone who may need a mood booster. You never know how much they could need one.

Find Joy In Life

   I've been focusing on things that make me happy and today was one of those days. For me its spending time with my mom, grandmother, and sister. We saw a musical and went out to dinner; the whole time I was so happy and I forgot about what was stressing me out and I just focused on the present moment. Finding joy in life helps us remember what is important in life and reminds us who loves us and supports us. Remember the people who will cheer you on for your dreams and support you along the way. Keep your head up. There are so many wonderful things in store.

Find Time To Heal

   "Be brave enough to heal yourself even when it hurts." -Bianca Sparacino  We all deal with pain and it's never a great thing, but we need to be brave enough to find the strength to heal. It may seem impossible at times, but anything is possible if you believe. I know its easy to forget that when things get hard; if we remember our strength then we can conquer anything. Never doubt that. Sometimes it can be painful to let go of what's causing our pain, but only you know what you need to do to heal and you know what makes you happy. Seek out help to get yourself to where you want to be. Surround yourself with good people that make you feel happy and empowered. You are powerful and you can rise above.


   With the stress of life we often forget the things that make us happy and what we have gratitude towards. I'm so grateful for my mom and my sister; they have always been there for me and we will always stick together. I feel so blessed that I have such a supportive and loving family. Things haven't been easy, but I know I can count on them. Gratitude helps us be grateful for the things we do have, and that's what we should be focusing on. It's good to have goals and work towards what you want, but it's also good to live in the present. Life is better with a thankful heart.

There's Always a Light

      There are moments where hard things come our way and it sometimes seems that there is no way out, but that isn't the case. You are strong enough to conquer a task at hand. Lately I've been feeling stressed with tasks in my life, but I know that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You can't have faith with fear. We all need that reminder. Empower yourself to keep your head up and be brave. Don't let fear get you down!

Focus on You

  You know yourself better than anyone. You know what's troubling you and what you should do to help that struggle become bearable. What makes you happy when you focus on yourself? Life can be stressful and unpredictable. I often miss when things were simpler in life, but if things were easy then we would never learn. Find time to focus on yourself. Find ways to mentally reset yourself and make sure you feel like yourself. Some days may be hard, but it will be worth it to mentally heal and reset. Remember to rise above and be powerful.

Story Time: Loving Yourself

      When I was a senior in high school I went on my first real date. I was so excited because the boy happened to be older than me and really cute. My crazy eighteen year old self thought it was love at first sight, and I thought he felt the same way about me. He was so romantic and charming, and he even kissed me on our first date. That's how I thought he felt the same way about me. When we went on our second date I got the heartbreaking confession from him that there were "lots of other girls after him" even though he told me a number of times through the first date and the second date that he liked me so much. That whole thing made me feel awful about myself. Not only did I experience my first kiss with this guy, but I experienced my first broken heart as well. I felt so awful about myself after that whole thing. How could I have been so stupid?  One of my ways of healing from the break up was to love myself. The only people I needed validation from was from ...

Rise Above

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and the most beautiful." -Disney's Mulan    The hard things we go through makes us strong. It may seem like the world is ending, but when you press on you gain a strength that will help you through out life. Adversity is a storm that tries to make us wilt and become weak, but be the flower that blooms in the middle of that storm. Be a warrior through adversity. It will not last long, for it's just a moment in life. However long your trial may be going; keep fighting and bloom in adversity. Don't let adversity intimidate you, rise above it and show it how powerful you are. My mom told me this amazing thing when I was struggling. "Show your power and rise above." I've stuck with that ever since, and it's made life easier. I want to challenge you to show your power and rise above. Be the warriors that you know you can be. "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou ...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!    I hope everyone had a great day celebrating the day of love. Single or not we all deserve love; we are all surrounded by love. We should be celebrating the love we already have instead of the love we don't have. You can also celebrate this day by showing kindness to those who need it. We all want to be loved, why not show it to everyone around us. Above all, don't forget to love yourself.

Letter to Myself

  Dear Eighteen Year Old Self,      You are beautiful and powerful. You don't need to fit in to be cool. Embrace yourself for the amazingly talented woman you are. Remember you have a wonderful family who loves you and you don't need the validation of anyone else, especially those who don't see you for your value.  Don't worry about falling in love right now. You have plenty of other wonderful things in store that are more important. Throughout your life you are going to meet so many people and at some point you will find who you're supposed to be with. Focus on your hobbies, family, your education, and making new good friends. Focus on you and what you need.  You will still deal with some trials, but they will only make you stronger. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember to rise above your challenges.  Go out there and take the world by storm.      "You are braver than you believe, stronger than y...

Find Joy in the Little Things

    What makes me happy is finding joy in the little things in life. Those things consist of laughter, smiling, telling jokes, spending time with good people, etc. I'm happy to have those great things in my life. What are the little things that you enjoy in life? There are so many that can make the world a better place. I'm grateful for the little things in my life. "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." -Robert Breault   I know we tend to dismiss the little things as not important, but as the quote above says for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. That's why I enjoy the little things as much as possible. They can be the mood booster that you didn't realize you needed. Be grateful for the little things in your life.

Start Today

"No Day But Today." -Rent    This is a quote from one of my favorite musicals. I love the message behind this quote. Do you have a goal that you want to achieve? Then start today. You will accomplish your goal much faster if you start today and try to be consistent. This quote is my mantra for 2019 because there's so much I want to achieve, but I won't achieve any of it if I don't start today. Don't let anything stop you from achieving what you want. You are the writer of your own story and you get to decide what makes it better. Go and succeed, I believe in you. Believe in yourself.


  "What is broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how hard it gets, the sun will rise again."   I love that the quote says the sun will rise again. Whenever we are going through a tough time we often think that there's no way out, but there is always a way out. You are strong enough to get through whatever you're going through, and there is someone out there who will help you. Sometimes we go through things in order to help someone who may be going through a similar trial.  It breaks my heart that there are people who take pleasure in hurting others. Don't let whatever is hurting you stop you from fighting back and living your life the way you want to. You are powerful and you deserve to heal. If you are currently going through a difficult time remember that the sun will always rise again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.   "Someone is on your side, no one is alone." -Into the Woods

Positive Thought of the Day

"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."-Helen Keller     There are times where we believe that our lives will be better if we have the thing we are looking for immediately, but that isn't the case. If we're constantly dwelling on the future then we won't enjoy the present and we will forget the important things that are right in front of us. Whatever you're looking for will come eventually, but what's really important is to enjoy the journey. You won't find anything better by excluding the important things in life, but you will get there with support and love from people around you. Have patience and it will come before you know it.

Don't Let Anyone Break You

"No matter how the wind howls. The mountain cannot bow to it." -Disney's Mulan    Be the mountain in the wind storms of life. The mountain is strong in even the toughest of elements. There are moments in life where a person or circumstance tries to break us and weaken us, but don't let that happen. Surround yourself with all the protection you can and be around things that make you happy and invite a good feeling. The quote that I mentioned above has really helped me these past few days; there have been moments where I've felt like I was about to break, but then I remembered that I'm a mountain that is strong in the wind. You are a mountain that's strong in the wind. Don't let anyone or anything break you, because you are strong and brave.

There's Always a Way For Help

  There is nothing wrong with asking for help. It can be the best feeling to get advice from a loved one or a trusted individual. I know that asking for help can be a little daunting, but when you ask for help it will be the best feeling; it's as if a weight is lifted off. It has been the best thing for me lately. I haven't felt alone since doing that. Don't let anyone make you feel like there is no hope, because there is always hope. Talk to a parent, a trusted individual, pray for help.  With faith hope will come. "There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith." -Gordon B. Hinckley

Write Your Life's Story

  One of the important things we can do is write our own story. You're the protagonist and you are off on your quest to live the best life you can. You are also the author; decide what makes your story great and who you want to be the cast of characters in your story. There will be antagonists and challenges that will be some where in the story, but you can decide how you will conquer them and who will help you in doing so.  What genre will your life story be? Will it be a comedy or an adventure? You decide what your story will be like and who will be part of it. You are the maker of your own destiny and you can control your own life.    Whatever you decide to make your life story better, make it amazing and beautiful. 


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest; it is about who came and never left your side." My friends are the greatest people I've ever known. We reunited today for a mission homecoming and we caught up! It was like we were back in the halls of high school. They feel like my second family, we always are there for each other. I'm so grateful for them being part of my life. I don't know where I would be without them.


   In the hard times of life we need to find reasons to have faith. There have been times where I didn't believe in myself and I thought that I couldn't succeed, but having faith got me through those times. Life can throw challenges at us that sometimes knock us down, but when we believe that we can do hard things then we can conquer the world! Believe in yourself and strive to have faith. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so enjoy life and be happy. "Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier." -Thomas S. Monson

What Makes You Happy?

   What are some of your favorite things that make you happy? I find joy in reading, writing, watching my favorite movie, spending time with my family and friends, and singing. Finding what makes you happy is a great self esteem and energy booster. When I'm feeling stressed out with school, I love to sit down and read my favorite book or watch a funny video. Happiness can help you get through the hard times and it can help you remember to laugh. There are times to be serious, but we shouldn't be serious all the time. We need to remember to laugh and smile. Remember to find something that makes you happy, and one of the most important things you can do is surround yourself with people who make you happy. "Happiness can be found in the darkest even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Make Time For Yourself

  Your mental health is just as important as your physical health; so that's why it's important to make time for yourself. Find time to take a breather and take a break from what you need to take a break from for how ever long you need. Your happiness is the most important thing. Don't ever let anyone make you feel sad or tear you down because of what you decide to make your life better. It's your life, do whatever you need to do to make it better. Be around people who support your decisions and cheer you on. Never let anyone make you feel ashamed when you need to step away from something like social media or quitting a job that isn't working for you.  Take care of yourself. Live your life the way you want to.

You Can Do Hard Things

    Have you ever been intimidated by a task you had to do because you didn't feel that you were capable of doing it? I believe we all have. Don't ever let anyone or anything make you feel like you can't succeed, because you can do hard things. Be strong and be confident in you abilities. You can do anything you set your mind to. The most important thing is to never doubt yourself; believe in yourself. Plan your dreams and start your journey. Have a great week!

Love Part 2

      I am grateful for the love that I've witnessed all around me. It shows all the kindness that the world still has. As I've said before love isn't just about romance, love is accepting people for who they are and showing kindness to those who need it. There isn't enough love in the world and we should spread love to everyone. We are all different and that's what makes this world a beautiful and interesting place. I hope this year will be an opportunity to show love and kindness more often. Love is the simplest act of kindness we can show. With the new semester about to start, I will use that time to show more love and kindness to those I meet; you may never know who may need it.   We all deserve love and happiness. Never forget that. If you ever feel sad or unloved, remember that you have people around you that love you. Focus on being with those who make you feel uplifted and happy. Have a great week. ❤


    I've discovered that things have their way of working out if we are patient. Sometimes it can be hard to be patient if we have something that we so desperately desire, but in the end there's always something better in store for everyone. It doesn't do anyone good to keep wishing that it would come sooner because things work out in their own time and they will come when we're ready. I know we've all had moments of impatience; that's part of being human. I know that waiting is never fun, but it can test how much patience we have. I'm optimistic that things will work out when they're meant to. I hope you have something you're looking forward to and that you succeed in getting it. Don't let anything make you impatient, remember the phrase: "Patience is a virtue."

Keep Trying

  All my life I've been told that everything happens for a reason. I've had moments where I didn't make the show that I auditioned for or didn't get the things I thought I wanted, but I remember that everything has its purpose and happens for a reason. So don't doubt what's in store for you. This reminds me of a quote that I read this morning: "When one door closes, another one opens."   Remember that if you don't get what you were hoping for, another opportunity that's even better will come along. This has made me optimistic that there's always a Plan B to one's Plan A. I hope this has inspired you to be optimistic if things don't work out the way you want them to. I hope you're all having an enjoyable year so far!

Happy New Year!

I'm so excited to see what this new year has in store! I've closed the door on 2018 and opened the door wide for 2019. I have a feeling there are so many good things that await. There's lots of goals that I would like to accomplish. What are your goals? If you have a dream that you would like to have come true, then go out there and achieve it and don't let anyone stop you!  "No day but today!" -Rent